Wardens: The Most Pointless Class? | League of Legends

Having talked about Poke Champions and their status as a dying archetype, Wardens face a similar problem where they’re being greatly overshadowed by their sister class: Vanguards. So today I want to talk about if Wardens are a pointless or worthless class.

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#LoL #Tanks #Wardens


36 thoughts on “Wardens: The Most Pointless Class? | League of Legends”

  1. As a Poppy main you can see how tank Poppy has fallen out of favour for bruiser Poppy with Divine Sunderer. Why go full tank and protect your team when you can just go Divine Sunderer and Sterak's Gage and kill the enemy team yourself?

  2. I didn't think people still played tank Poppy. Any time I've ever used her, assassin Poppy all the way. But that's probably because I'm always in the jungle cause i can't CS to save my life

  3. Personal rant, nothing makes my day better than cucking the enemy assassin, adc, and mage with a well timed ult that forces them to try and burst my team, fail because I healed and shielded them properly, and then watch the rest of their damage dink off the chad glitter I covered my teammates with. It's rare, especially with solo que teams, but damn does it feel good.

  4. Wardens are probably the class with the greatest difference in play-rate between competitive and solo-queue. It feels much better to play something like Braum, when you have an insane team-fight adc on your team like lwx, teddy or upset. In Solo-Queue, there is no guarantee that the ally you chose to protect will actually will you the fight. Also: Wardens usually have pretty bad laning phases, and struggle to snowball, both qualities much appreciated in soloQ.

  5. Maybe their UNpopularity is because their protective purposes is somehow late-game oriented, like, to protect hyper carries to as they grow up until they become the giga-threat they are supposed to be. And nowadays the meta doesn't seems favourable for late games strategies, like Protecc Kog, or Vayne, or Kayle.

  6. Fun fact: With Vex, they actually wanted to have her ultimate extend allies’ ultimates, but they scrapped the idea because it would be too difficult/time-consuming to create the effects for every ultimate ability.

  7. Wardens are so weak because tanks themselves are weak this meta, everyone was given so much free pen and items that can better deal with tanks or scale better or are better overall meanwhile tank items have really only been nerfed from the start of the season from being worthless to begin with, but everyone said they were op cause amumu passive made sunfire do some bonus true damage. What's sad is the tank role in itself is unplayable unless you are in a premade team where you can co-ordinate your engages and so on.

  8. One time, i were playing RedemShen (Xpetu's Shen build with support Item) and then i see Rengar was about to kill the ADC in just a second. Boom, a massive sheld came from nowhere to mr Aphelios and the Rengar was pissed off so so much that he started to flame his entire team Xd. i love playing this Warden, man 😀 !

  9. an idea i've had for a while is a champ that all their abilities are shields. to me what i came up with felt like a warden, pass: converts portion of dmg on self an recently shielded allies by this champ into grey health which becomes a shield on killing blow or after time not taking dmg, converts remainder of shields provided by this champ is converted into hp. Q: holds charges, 1) shield, 2) aoe, 3) + heal, 4) blink to target, aoe from both locations, 5) double shield an heal amounts. W: pierce projectile, that shields allies & dmg enemies, gives all hit Diana orbs, that dmg your enemies, allies orbs shield, enemy orbs heal your nearest ally/self from them. E: sion shield but also gives to allies recently shielded by you. R: for time have aura that steals portion of enemy shield & heals, an deals dmg to them

  10. 12:54
    Somewhere in Shurima Talya silently cries to herself.

    I agree that Wardens feel redundant to the point of useless. With skirmishers and assassins running amuck, and teamfights lasting maybe 10 seconds at the best of times nothing is going to be more valuable than the hard crowd control of a vanguard. The only real way to make them viable again would be for Riot to do something completely crazy and outrageous like, actually balance their damage champs.

  11. I used Poppys completely channeld r in a offensive way. I sniped a champion and Yasuo r them. But if there is no Yasuo in your team it only is a devensife abilitie if full channeld.


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