Warhammer 40k Darktide: Everything We Know So Far Warhammer 40k

A new promising game is just around the corner for us 40k fans http://www.patreon.com/user?u=155590 Want us to put out more videos, support us on our …


31 thoughts on “Warhammer 40k Darktide: Everything We Know So Far Warhammer 40k”

  1. I would've liked if it was a dynasty warriors like game. 40k is the perfect franchise for named characters to cut down swarms of enemies.

    But if it can't be dynasty warriors, i at least hope it has a good story or something. because if it's literally just a arena shooter that just has you survive as many waves as possible then… idk

  2. i have high hopes. fatshark made dlc and new maps for vermantide2 long after release and since this is 40k alot more people are gonna get on board. we might even get space marines as playable and as enemies. this game is gonna be glorious FOR THE EMPEROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. " A pretty diverse crew." Red flag warning. I hope they dont continue the woke path. I just got into Warhammer 40k and really love the lore your channel provides. Id hate to have to drop ANOTHER franchise.

  4. Couple points; the big, ugly guy isn't a Plaguebearer, its a Plague Ogryn.

    The weapons used are

    Ministorum Priestess:
    Autogun & Powerhammer (different from a Thunderhammer)

    Lasgun & Chainsword

    Lascarbine & Powersword

    Huge Knife & Grenadelauncher – but loaded with buckshot cannisters instead of explosives.


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