Was the Crypto Heirloom Worth it?

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Cryptos Biwon Blade Heirloom has been out for a bit now in Apex Legends season 12, I wanted to give my thoughts and opinions on whether or not it was “worth it”. It’s one of the most satisfying heirlooms animation-wise to date and I think a lot of people will be surprised by just how good it is. Leave a like and subscribe, enjoy the video.

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49 thoughts on “Was the Crypto Heirloom Worth it?”

  1. The economic hardship, recession, unemployment and the loss of job caused by covid pandemic is enough to push people into financial ventures. I'm taking a trip into investing because I lost so much during this pandemic. Multi creation of wealth is the best strategy to ensure financial sustainability..

  2. I recently opened Apex packs from the battlepass I bought (after reached lvl 100) and guess what! I finally got those heirloom shards :O!
    I'll be saving those for the Fuse heirloom when it's out, can't wait!

  3. His heirloom is definitely really cool, I wish I had it. My only qualm is that it would low key make me forget if I'm playing Ash or Crypto. I don't run around as Ash with my ult out all the time obviously; but there are times where you just want to use it to get to a tough spot and you kinda run around with it for a bit.

  4. Honestly never really used Crypto but did buy the heirloom and 2nd game dropped a 3k with massive drone emps idk pay to win? But honestly makes his movement feel different! Love the animations and inspects!

  5. B<ought Bitcoin at 10k you wouldnt care if the price was 40 or 50k. Its all the new investors who are very important as we need them who bought at 40K who are getting jack of the dumps, but i think that the original scenario to go down to $20-29K was going to play out but Luna and Micro Strategy purchasing a lot of bitcoin all at once caused a fake out to the upside. Im grateful to say, Ive earned a lot so far this month working with Jeffrey Allyn Hawkins through his strategy unbearable TA been able to accumulate more than i can expose on here. The pump and dump has been a perfect eyeopener for us all to really see how unpredictable the market can be..

  6. Ill be honest, i think his heirloom is sick, it makes me want to play Crypto more (As im a Wattson main), but i think i still want Wattsons over his

  7. It makes sense<, BTC and crypto is off helping to regulate, rather that pretend it won't ever happen. The big institutions getting in is the catalyst that will launch us into the stratosphere. Most people don't like change but after the change is made they grow used to it and it becomes a non issue usually because their fears never materialize. And benefits they were unaware with before turn out to be far more beneficial. Few if any rug pulls. The projects that initiated the process of regulation have not been ruined, they got involved in setting guidelines and helping the regulators understand the crypto space. I’d get involved more knowing that I have made over 16` btc from day-trade with Gerard McDonald Crypto in few weeks

  8. Avoid picking random coins unless you are actually willing to research them. If you listen to these YouTube guys most aren't professionals and chase big returns by investing in the latest hot picks, you’re likely to overpay.

  9. I've been holding onto 150 Heirloom shards for like 4 seasons now just waiting for crypto's blade to drop…sucks I cant cash my shards in until the event ends ( which is tomorrow) and his Heirloom goes up on the store


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