Weather Footage You Won’t Believe Is a Video Game – Microsoft Flight Simulator #Shorts

#Shorts #Thunderstorm #FS2020
A 30 minute time lapse of an approaching thunderstorm reduced to 20 seconds showing the AMAZING graphics of Microsoft Flight Simulator.


Categories N4G

6 thoughts on “Weather Footage You Won’t Believe Is a Video Game – Microsoft Flight Simulator #Shorts”

  1. Come on now, we all know this was outside your house. Hehehe…
    To think I started playing Flight Simulator with wire 'graphics' that supposed represented the Sears Tower. The graphics have improved a little bit since 1984. 😉

  2. That reminds me of the guy that made a time lapse video of the Dynamic Weather system of MSFS 2004. While sitting at Megs Field he had set the Temperature and Moisture (?) then let the sim run for a few hours. You could watch as wisp of clouds first formed which grew bigger and bigger. Pretty amazing stuff back then.

  3. Just amazing. It would be great if other subscribers to your channel post their weather vids too I think. I can post lots of rain from Scotland . Rain is Scotland s largest export we are a world leader in it😊


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