WEEKLY NEWS UPDATE: 2 Rework Details + Champions Queue Discussion – League of Legends

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0:00 Intro
0:22 Champ Nerfs
1:56 Champ Buffs
3:10 Champ Adjustments
4:06 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 12.8 Best support 12.8, best mid laners 12.8, best junglers 12.8, best top laners 12.8, patch 12.8 rundown, 12.8 lol, 12.8 changes, item buffs 12.8, preseason 12.8, chemtech drake 12.8, hextech drake 12.8, Mordekaiser 12.8 buffs, Aatrox 12.8 buffs, Vladimir 12.8 buffs, Poppy 12.8 buffs, Sejuani 12.8 buffs, Fiddlesticks 12.8 buffs, Zoe 12.8 buffs, Kassadin 12.8 buffs, Vel’koz 12.8 buffs, Xerath 12.8 buffs, Sylas 12.8 buffs, Ezreal 12.8 buffs, Tristana 12.8 buffs, Jhin 12.8 buffs, Bard 12.8 buffs, Seraphine 12.8 buffs, Pyke 12.8 nerfs, Soraka 12.8 nerfs, Jinx 12.8 nerfs, Xayah 12.8 nerfs, Kaisa adjustments, Swain rework

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29 thoughts on “WEEKLY NEWS UPDATE: 2 Rework Details + Champions Queue Discussion – League of Legends”

  1. QotD: I think that the god Kong skins are just the skins
    They capture the spirit of garen and Darius soo well and they are old, but still some of the best and with the concept they just rise to the top

  2. My honest opinion I like the project Mordekaiser skin it was perfect and hopefully I could actually see a battle cast morde like they did with cho'gath. Seeing morde more mechanical or even a Halloween theme skin for him would be awesome as well.

  3. The skins this patch seem sup-par. SE Sivir doesn’t feel like a legendary skin and LE Senna PE doesn’t have the same flair as the other prestige skins (same can be said for true damage senna tbh)

  4. would be nice if they removed Duo que and just made it a solo queue… its hard when i want to go 3 people in rank and cause the guys who want to duo queue dont go in flex my friends and i are stuck in queue for more than 5 minutes


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