What Classes WON & LOST! Shadowlands Ranged DPS Spec Roundup: All You NEED To Know!

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0:00 Intro
0:55 Hunter
9:24 Priest
13:20 Shaman
16:55 Druid
21:18 Warlock
30:07 Mage
40:04 Closing Thoughts


39 thoughts on “What Classes WON & LOST! Shadowlands Ranged DPS Spec Roundup: All You NEED To Know!”

  1. Had love for Frostmage since I started playing at Warlords of Draenor and altought I play all specs specially for getting all the challenge skins in Legions, I skipped BfA completely and will resub for Shadowlands, but my love for frost mage will always continue<3 hyped for that slick Ice to spamm those Frostbolts xD

  2. Talents are very out-dated looking at alot of if not all classes and a good handful of stuff should be improved,/reworked, baseline or retired from being a talent in PVE atleast.

  3. lol eclipse has been like that forever. in wotlk. when it was added. you had to crit with regular starfire to get wrath eclipse. and crit with wrath eclipse to get starfire ecplise. i think its fun like it is now. i quit playing boomkin because they messed up eclipse. i like how it was in wotlk. when i mained a boomkin in ulduar.

  4. You shouldn't release a ''which classes won/lost'' video that's outdated. There are things being said that are like 2 weeks old (frost mage flurry issue, which has been fixed for over a week already). This gives a very inaccurate representation in some cases. This video loses a lot of value if its not up-to-date. I respect the work you put into all your videos but I kind of expect you to make sure the info you provide is accurate/relevant for the current time. Video's about which classes are good etc, should be up-to-date and not pre-recorded for like 2 weeks.

  5. If they were to bring anything back for the Druids it should have been the Mark of The Wild and the Treants. I hate the new Boomkin setup wish they would have let it be. They never really put much time in the Boomkin from the beginning. It is what it is.

  6. You keep saying phoenix flames spreading ignite is such a good thing, but tbh it's annoying af. Imagine having to actually cast it and still get shit dmg vs auto spread and still do massive dmg (8.2~8.3). I get that fire was too strong and needed some nerfs but at least make it playable and competitive so I don't have to go playing other classes.

  7. I played balance druid since launch. And yes I agree with you, new eclipse sucks. It has the same core problem as other forms of eclipse. You can not switch that easy from empored eclipse to the other one.

  8. …those new butterfly pet skins are fucking amazing.
    Also, thank Zeus they kept Elemental in a usable place, given the state of Enhancement. I didn't want to have to level my Shaman as Resto.

  9. Echo of the elements I find is finally fine as a talent pick for elemental. The other talents are actually good now (at least in concept, static needs a damage buff), and the gameplay is less about just lava burst procs now, given you can actually get things like icefury now. I also think that baseline Echo would prune damage off of all other builders and that would not feel good, given their balance budget. Surprisingly I think the strange beta journey was a good thing in the end for Ele.

    I'm most sad about Demo this time around, yet again. It has something of an identity, but the design was not made from a fun point of view. It was made on a spreadsheet, and I still think some choices were weird where there could be easy wins – eg why isn't Nether portal spawn in place of summoning just imps from hands of Gul'dan, just to stubbornly keep implosion (which could also be renamed)? Imagine just that change to the feel of the spec.

    I also want to say for Balance, i think the main prob is that the eclipse buffs are a bit bland. Imagine instead if it was tied to something like the New moon artifact skill and causing waxing/waning for that.

  10. The empowerment system in Legion/BFA for Balance Druids was laughably unintuitive and overall uninteresting. BFA Balance was especially mediocre at the core level and was held up entirely by the Arcanic Pulsar and Streaking Stars azerite traits, and held up further with the Vision of Perfection essence.

    When stripped bare however (no traits/essences), it was a miserably poor playing spec. It played like the generic builder/spender people have come to criticize the generic-ness of all classes recently. The current eclipse system is far more interesting and rewarding for better play at its bare level which I think is generally important. The more these specs rely on the "borrowed power" systems we have come to often criticize, the worse it will be for us in the future.

    Additionally, thematically speaking it's way cooler to have this eclipse cycling deal than the empowerments that generally never felt like I was "empowering" anything. That's a matter of opinion yes, but there wasn't much of anything that made Balance Druid really stand out other than the shapeshifted forms.

    I can understand people's personal preference on disliking the eclipse system, but the move is much healthier for the spec overall and will continue maining it in SL.

  11. i think shaman is the big loser of these patches specially with the removal of the totems
    there now nothing more then a electric based mage which makes me sad ;/ tough dps wise they are okays just wish was accompanied with some shaman flavor ( elemental )


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