What Does It MEAN?? Shadowlands and the Cosmic War…

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In World of Warcraft Shadowlands we once again look to the Warcraft Cosmology map for answers. However this time around more and more in WoW Shadowlands I get the feeling the story of Warcraft Shadowlands is much bigger.

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48 thoughts on “What Does It MEAN?? Shadowlands and the Cosmic War…”

  1. Well bro, Shells have a symbolic meaning. Peace, Harmony (this is the big one i think, Harmony between the cosmological forces), also have symbolism of life, birth, resurrection. Is this what blizzard is going for here? IDK honestly. But the Harmony symbolism is what i could honestly seeing as the real meaning behind the shells. Harmony of all the cosmological forces.

  2. I think Elune is the creator or Order, Life and Light. There's several hints that relate her to all three cosmology zones. And I think Anshe ( the sun or the right eye of the Earth Mother) is the creator of Disorder, Death and Shadow. Maybe both Elune and Anshe were the creator of Mortals and thats why we go to the shadowlands (realm of death) when we die

  3. At this point, you cant tell if it means something and everything else is in my opinion a waste of time, Im sorry. I mean everything speculated about the 6 forces is pretty vague, but those dots, please that is beyond that, settle down folks let us discover at first the comsic war and whats behind of it, not whats is behind and then the war. One step after another 😉

  4. At this point this whole talk about the lore has become a bunch of jibberish. I dont understand how people dont simply call out bli$$ard for borderline retarded "story telling".

  5. I personally think that a lot of the cosmological forces weren't actually made on purpose. Part of that is the name, 'Clock Maker'. There is a theological philosophy that directly mentions a 'clock maker' God, whom created the universe and it's rules, then simply let it run without interfering.

    So, basically, going with some of your theories, WoW's Clock Maker created Light. And my theory is, he ONLY created Light. However, creating something in the presence of nothing also creates disparity. Now you have more than just nothingness in the Universe (and I also theorize that 'Void' is actually the natural state of our universe). In other words, the creation of Light immediately also spawned the Void – all of those places where the Light does not shine. After all, a shadow is not physical – it is simply the absence of light. Since the nature of Void is non-existence, this was materialized in an overpowering desire to return everything to that primordial state of nothingness. No time, no matter, no light and most importantly, no disparity.

    At this point, the Clock Maker has stepped out. He has created his 'clock', his Light, and stepped back, possibly to observe. Either way, this disparity between Light and Void means that these two clash. Out of this clash, eventually, Life is born, and the pattern is once again repeated. Life flooding the universe immediately creates another disparity, necessitating the existence of Death since Life unabated is not actually Life, but an everlasting creation.

    With the existence of Life, there comes something almost entirely predictable: Disorder. This is not a disparity, but a condition of Life and consciousness in general. Life is unpredictable, chaotic and oftentimes hard to control. We know Fel magic draws life from living beings, why? Because Fel magic and Disorder in general was brought into creation by the existence of Life. Wild growth, mutation, etc etc. It is this conscious understanding by living things of Disorder that Order is born, the final necessary existence for balance if the rules of disparity are followed properly. After all, how can Order be one of the original cosmological forces if there was nothing to bring Order to before?

    So, with all of this said, I personally believe that the Void Lords' motivations are, in the simplest terms, territorial. They cannot ever properly interact with any kind of creation because they represent the disparity of nothingness that gives meaning to both themselves and the Light in the first place. Just some thoughts!

  6. What if Activizzard is trying to suggest in a farfetched way and something they can build on: Even though the forces of our bubble universe are chaotic and hate each other they are still the reason the pressure of the outside powers cannot penetrate in, so they shield us from true chaos and that if Death wins and the pressure on the inside wanes we'll witness truly galactic powers.

  7. I noticed the fine lines, kind of like strings connecting the cosmos to to the outer circles, like everything is tied to them.
    I imagine the 4 outer circles to be something like the 4 forces of nature: Gravity, Electromagnetism, The strong force and The weak force, that everything in the cosmos is subjected to. In the WoW Cosmos those might be completely different forces or something else, but it still reminds me of that.
    The lines could also symbolize rays of sunlight or energy shining on the cosmos. Whatever that could mean.

  8. 4 shells = water = naga = Azshara = True Throne of Power… OMG it's all connected O_O
    It's either this or the whole map is basically the wondering isle at a universe scale and The First Ones are taller pandas = balance in cosmos and all that lol jk

  9. The Education System continues to fail the younger gens.. Did none of you stare at the Maps on the Chalkboards? Or the picture while you were being lectured to??? Old maps had a lot of 'Flair'. Many, many decorations adorning the Maps… Some tell stories, others dont. The Compass, for example, was one to become a focal point of the Artist/Cartographer. These are merely Shells. Now you can dig deeper… Shells represent Water and Life. Or, Life comes from water… You can even go farther… A Crystal Matrix takes the shape of the Molecule it represents. Like the same LEGO stacked over and over. Shells, in a sense, take on an Organic Matrix. A Spiral is more common but Fractals play a part too… DNA, Plants.. Solar Systems.. Galaxies…. But pretty sure who ever drew this Map, just wanted to draw a pretty boarder to enclose the map..

  10. Alright, I got a map question for you: Shouldn't order and disorder be flipped on the map? Order, and by extension, the titans are closer to the void than to the light. Opposite with the fel and the legion being closer to the light. Feels like that's going to come into play down the road.

  11. I'll start with a little parody theory that is not impossible according to simple logic, yet everyone will agree that Blizzard would never go that way, just like the Draenor is Azeroth theory. It's not impossible but we all know and agree that Blizzard will never go that route. ANYHOW, all theories are fun to hear even the wildest and the most stupid of them. This is what we lore nerds love about lore, and theory crafting just makes it better.

    Now my silly theory.
    The map is just a tabletop board for the 4 (players) in the corners to play the big game of cosmic warcraft chess. The icon inside them is 4 of the X amount of little minis they had in the box, I am kind of sad that no one picked up the puppy or the car. You know like risk or jumanji and when one of the players win, the game starts over. This means reseting the map, new universes, new players, new minis, new game. Ofc it's a joke but this is also possible with our own rl universe meh. Sylvanas could have been just tired to be one of those little pawns on the board so she desired a seat.

    On a serious note. If the 6 seats all have 1 MEGA top guy/girl maybe that's what they're doing. Playing us. There could be minimum 6 First Ones all above everything we know like the pantheon of order and pantheon of death, but under the Clockmaker who like Themapofyourhead said in the comments below, doesn't and hasn't interfere since the beginning. I also believe that one thing created the other by just existing or being created. The 6 first ones could be such entities born from what the Clockmaker created, for example he made light, the VERY first one, who instantly gave form and birth to his dark twin, the void, both fought like little kids, brothers, and created life and chaos at the same time,(bc life and chaos go together hand in hand in a way that they are not opposites and there's too much proof to this to detail without derailing) who in turn created death and order just like Light had done with void, instantly ALL OF THEM in an instant. Creation was born. So the Primordial of each of the 6 seats are most likely the First Ones, if that's the highest it gets before the Clockmaker. And there could be a lot more than just 6 if they decided to form some sorts of pantheon, which sort of makes them look like parents. Maybe Azeroth is the primordial of order if it's true she's the mother of titans. At this point in the story, I don't think Azeroth will end up just being the most powerful titan nor the mother of all titans even if technically she is, to the minimum she'll be the first titan of her kind there ever was but since she is the most important of all, I'ma go with a gut feeling here and just say Azeroth is probably "reality" itself and she is "creation" which translates to all realities of the cosmos we know. The creation "ENERGY" (call it what you want) the Clockmaker used to make Light which made Void caused their battle to create everything else including the physical universe / realit, because life and death and chaos and order sprung in the physical universe so everything happened at once. The very moment Light was created it lit and all was made, not matter how long things took to place themselves, the initial BANG was instant. THEN billions and billions of years happened. Azeroth is not the creator but the creation, the duality of everything which is the reality of all universes. Which makes her unique, she is different to all 6 first ones of each seats, and sort of has aspects of all of them, she is balance. The reality of creation, which is duality. Action reaction. The secret of the universe. That's why undeath and immortality needs to stop because they both are wrong to the natural ecologic system of the self-subsisting cosmos. The Clockmaker will never interfere and never will be seen or named. We'll never know why or how he created everything, we'll never know if some of it was an accident or on purpose that Light created itself the rest.. We will never know what is the meaning of all of it, well we know it's sort of WAR/ and conflict, but WE WILL NEVER KNOW because the story doesn't need to have the Clockmaker ever revealed, there's no point. It's anti-climax-tic! I know I made up a word but you get my point. We don't know that irl we're not going to know that in the lore either. But I also think that the cosmos map will get upgraded. This is the first one of those. Think of how old d&d is and how big their cosmos map got.
    maybe the first ones got some set of rules that prevents them from acting or they're not whole. Maybe all they can do is influence, and not directly if they have such rules. If Azeroth is creation to all worlds, and Elune's her "night" it means Elune is "night" to all words which also makes her unique like Azeroth kind of…. okay Idk what I was saying I went bio LOL I'M SO HIGH MAN Ima stop this here enjoy <3 Accolonn
    FOR THE HORDE!!!!!!!!!

  12. I think that shell rapresent World Soul
    Top left entangled with vines/Eonar
    Top right maybe stones.?
    Middle left, that is 100% disc of Norgannon
    Middle right?
    Bottom left that runes is from original sargeras sword and his vest
    Bottom right chains? Argus maybe? Or Jailor.
    Also book was certainly written by Norgannon, so maybe we should look from his point of wiew.

  13. As with all maps, they are presented flat when in fact they are circular. Those two half circles on the middle edges are what joins the map vertically. Now, that also bring those four corners into two outside areas which, I believe, are more ornamental than anything with meaning. Although it may be fun to speculate upon the new configuration after the map is rounded.

  14. I think we have the problem that we see this map in 2D.
    Why aren't looking from a 3D perspective ?
    All the plans we see have their opposite (Death <-> Life / Void <-> Light / Order <-> Disorder) All… But one…
    What about the Reality plan ? Shouldn't there be a "Unreality" plan ?
    What if our enemies were actually coming from that plan ?

    (Well, to be honest, I don't really think that's it, but I think this is something we can keep in mind)

    (On the other hand, there is still something I think a lot about : )

    We know that every creatures that die go back to their original plan (Naaru's go back to the light, etc.) If, when we die we go back to the shadowlands, does it mean that we were coming from the same plan as the shadowlands at first ?

  15. When they say it's from the Pantheon of Order's perspective, I think it just means unreliable narrator. An unreliable narrator usually isn't breaking the 4th wall, so deception wouldn't make sense. Any false information surely must be due to ignorance.

  16. I will be honest, this proves my point, Sylvanas had an affair with Varian Wynn, and that is a fact. Varian Wynn was a very important character in the world, why don't we see him in the shadowlands. We don't see him because he is ballen at the top of torgast with Sylvanas and the jailer. Prove me wrong I dare you.

  17. Often the "Framing" decoration utilized in many civilizations attempt to document is what identifies the "Who" prepared it. Almost like a signature of the civilization or society. I personally believe that the outer decoration or frame is cluing you in on who's perspective. I would say this is obviously the perspective of individuals that lived in a time where sea and sky are revered as unknown realms. So simply put, just an ancient inhabitant of Azeroth.

  18. A lot of maritime maps are large and are usually stored rolled up and would need a weight on the corners to stay splayed out right. I believe your right about the realms but as boring as it is, I think these spaces are just fancy weight spots. Typical titans, with their scroll worked cup holders.


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