What Happens When You Hit Masters Rank In Apex Legends Season 10!

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Today we hit masters in apex legends season 10 and to make it even better we did it by solo queueing through the final few games because I wanted to make it that much more exciting and challenging. If you need any tips on how to rank up in apex legends and gain rp then I would definitely watch some of my other ranked apex legends guides!

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22 thoughts on “What Happens When You Hit Masters Rank In Apex Legends Season 10!”

  1. hey if u wanna talk in game chat you go to settings on your computer. then go to devices. in devices go to sound settings on the right hand side. then go to app volume and device preferneces. scroll down to apex and put your mic input and output into the audio things.

  2. Lmfao that first game when you threw the thermite and then tried to charge your rampage all I could think of was the Cave scene from Ace Ventura when he threw his Medallion at the Bats.🤣🤣🤣

  3. Im literally 400 from diamond and I keep getting low plat teammate who brings his gold 4 friend to play with us who loots the whole game and pushes team fights solo. Solo queueing might be the most rage inducing thing in this game

  4. Playing with randoms in plat and diamond loby makes you get brain damage and mental breakdown

    In high rank lobby they always grab a useless legends like fuse and be stingy to give me some medical kits like shield battery and medkits


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