What if Minecraft had an infinite render distance?

What if Minecraft added an infinite render distance? How would that change how we played and viewed the game.

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40 thoughts on “What if Minecraft had an infinite render distance?”

  1. I use Distant Horizons (Fabric) and I would really recommend everyone to try it. I don't think I can really recommend most people to keep using it though.
    As amazing as it is, it isn't perfect.
    The somewhat recent performance update did improve its performance quite a bit, but I still have stutter issues. On servers it will only show the chunks you've been to while you have the mod installed, so you need to explore a large area to see the full render distance.
    Bodies of water also look very flat which can break the immersion. Especially when you look at the border between the normal chunks and the Distant Horizons chunks.
    Despite these issues I still love the mod and I'm excited for future updates. They're still actively working on the mod so I hope they'll make it even better in the future 😀

  2. Minecraft lags enough with LIMITED render distance. If the game had unlimited render distance my computer would probably crash when I tried to load a world

  3. Not because it is unomptimised. Its because its procedural generated, ur pc does all the calculations every time u take a step. Most games have a pre made map which is easy to learn


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