What supports are ACTUALLY supposed to do in league of legends.. Challenger LoL Coaching

This video, I coach a silver4 pyke support main and show him what a support is actually supposed to do in this game.

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►Edited by BottleofPop

►Outro song: Nekoi – Exist



47 thoughts on “What supports are ACTUALLY supposed to do in league of legends.. Challenger LoL Coaching”

  1. @neace so you wanna go double ad on Pyke over atk speed. Cuz ur hail of blade proc do more dmg and The chances of you getting an early kill are increased eg: he probably kills the Sona at the start since his Q and AA do more dmg.
    Edit: Also second wind is better on Pyke 99% of the time over boneplate. It synergies better with his passive heal.
    Feel like the client should have known this if he was tryna main Pyke.

    Source: hanjaro

  2. As someone who has played a lot of first person games, I rest my pointer, middle, and ring finger on A-W-D, switching the middle finger between W and S to move backward or forward. I rest my pinky in a curved position on CTRL to crouch or slide. Thumb rests on the spacebar to jump. For League, I simply move the the A-S-D fingers to Q-W-E. I keep my pink on the top edge of CTRL, I keep my thumb on the space bar(assigned to center the camera on my bot lane partner). Not sure why someone with large hands would need to "palm" any buttons. I have mid-large hands that work decently for playing guitar and bass, and I have no issues hitting CTRL with my pinky. Finger position is everything in games, in playing instruments, make sure you use the most optimal resting position for what you are doing.

    Only someone with very small hands might struggle to hit CTRL with their pinky when resting their fingers on the Q-W-E or A-W-D position. I know that when learning typing, we are taught taught to rest our fingers on ASDF, but that isn't practical for gaming, where you are frequently required to hit control, and less frequently need to hit FRTG with the pointer finger. It is easy enough to hit those buttons while resting the pointer on D or E.

  3. Would have liked to have seen more vision, you got him to buy a pink ward at around 6 mins 30 which he used few mins later but it took him till 12 mins to place his first stealth ward. Support should never sit on 2 stealth wards. His first stealth came from his item and not the ones he sat on from the start of the game.

    Vision of enemy jungle will help team more than an adc who doesn't know the plays you're suggesting the support do and assuming the adc will follow in.

    I'm no challenger or even close to being one but I think you're missing a massive point with supports

  4. Use. palm. to. hold. CTRL. o_0

    OR one could idk… bind the function to ALT and give one's thumb something else to do other than occasionally hitting spacebar and plugging certain orifices.

    Love your content Neace, it is genuinely top-notch, but damn.

  5. I’ve been playing since Kindred’s release in season 5 and I’ve manually clicked to level up since then because pressing the control key was too painful. Doing the palm trick solved my problem and already feels natural. Thanks Neace.

  6. I'd love to see some lower elo shen top lane coaching….I recently picked up shen and I've watched you get coached by xPetu countless times already trying to pull as much from it as I can, but I still find myself hurting during laning phase. I rarely win trades against anything I play into and I try to keep trades short but I think they are still to long which is why i lose so many trades.

  7. If you have a hard time leveling with the Ctrl key you can also just switch it to the shift key. It’s what I do. Much easier to reach and shift isn’t on anything important

  8. I am a new player and I have been watching your videos a lot to help improve but I was wondering if there is some way to help me learn what items to build and when. Any tips?

  9. Im curious of something Neace. Have you ever played Dota? Looking at how much you like the macro game, I guarantee you will absolutely love Dota's macro and for sure it will give you insights into League that you might not have thought of. Would really like to see a reply if possible. Thanks mate

  10. This video helped me soooo much because im trying to become a pyke support main in NA EAST and I've been waiting for something like this from neace and this video was EXACTLY what i needed thanks so much for being a great coach neace :3

  11. I'd still like to know your same songs that you put in each video if you dont mind letting me know what those are, or someone else let me know the names of those songs so i can hse them in a playlist id appreciate it a bunch, also no im not downloading an app just to figure that out lol

  12. Hello THE Neace 😅 , I ve been watching your vidéos for a few years now . I enjoy your honesty and you great control over information and your game play .
    I m an average top player … I guess I got some skill somewhere in something but I don t even now xD 😆 .
    I really Wish to purchase your coaching !!! I play on Euw server

    Would you please tell me how and when could we get one of your sessions !
    I promess to listen ! And will spend you your favorite drink after you done knocking some gameplay in my nerves !

    I m a great fan , wish you a good day anyway 😃


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