When paimon's bargains is reset time – Genshin Impact


Thanks for coming guys, dont forget to like and subscribe 🙂 see you in the next video

A Sweet Smile – Genshin Impact

►Another Video About Genshin
I skipped two banner just for her : https://youtu.be/3FniJYGK9TY
This is what MC cant do : https://youtu.be/mm1KjY9RAHQ

Discord : Remen(#)7591

►Any Question? Email Me On
Email : [email protected]

NOTE : Everything in my video is the result of my opinion and all is not meant to discriminate unilaterally, this is just my fun video, so i hope you don’t think negatively about this video, sorry if there are any wrong words in this video or in the descprition, cheer up!

#Gacha #GenshinImpact


44 thoughts on “When paimon's bargains is reset time – Genshin Impact”

  1. I literally get a Noelle, Barbara and Diona in the Wanderlust Invocation.
    4 rolls to get the 3 girls, and I said "if a get a five star, I'll cry", fucking dropped the 5 star claymore
    AND THERE IS MORE! I went on my girlfriend account to roll for her, and guess what? I FUCKING DROPPED HER WISH, KEQING
    Maybe it's my luck day…

  2. I got Mona from this months shop reset and I was 23 wishes from 5 star pity…. (unfortunately it was my second account tho… ;3;)

    Edit: on my main account I got my c6 Xingqiu finally, my boys all grown up now!!

    2nd edit;
    On my main I have C1 Diluc and C0 Ganyu,

    On my second I got Qiqi on my first wish on the beginner banner like why is my luck not that good on my main account… and I just got mona ofc..

  3. As a f2p player, I am told by my fellow gamers to never expect anything so I won't be disappointed
    That the greater the hype the harder the fall
    And I guess that's why I haven't got anything good before soft pity yet 🙁
    And this video pretty much summed up my genshin pains.


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