Which Assassin Is The BEST? (By Design) | League of Legends

Back with another League Ranking video! Last episode we talked about all the Mythic items in the game, and today we’re gonna be checking on all the Assassins in League of Legends, and ranking them based on how well I think they’re designed. (NOTE: THIS IS MY OPINION AND NOT MEANT TO BE TAKEN AS FACT!)

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#LoL #Assassin #Ranking


43 thoughts on “Which Assassin Is The BEST? (By Design) | League of Legends”

  1. When I grinded ranked, I was a Brand main, and Rengar never really was too big of an issue. Just an hourglass and he can’t brainlessly jump on you for a free kill when you’re stacked as 5, or a flash away after he jumps and it’s just a stun combo and I was a rhylais gamer so the stun plus how long the slow lasted meant they had to play smart. I can see that rating 100%

  2. IDGAF about the "narrative stance" with regards to ability design. Balance > thematic. Balance > "iconic abilities". You definitely gave too much leeway to a lot of these champions by not putting them into "ass" tier.

    Also, I reject the notion that Yone is an assassin. He's the same kind of champion as Yasuo. Don't get me wrong, very poor design, just not really an assassin I find. More of a skirmisher/diver… he's way too good at dueling tanks/bruisers because of his abilities and how he scales.

  3. Yone, Zed and Eve are the only ones I would put into good design. Ekko by far has the worst design of any assassin probably the worst in the game. His kit is that of a tank, nothing about it works as an assassin but he's balanced around being an assassin which leads to him being incredibly frustrating imo.

  4. I disagree and think Pyke is perfectly designed as a support assassin. As a support assassin he is not meant to delete enemy squishies as standard (he can when fed, but so can many support champions, so that’s not a relevant point). As your video points out assassins are meant to delete priority targets, his ult does the perfect job to enable this from a support standpoint, he will need the help of his team to enable it, in the same way Leona landing the perfect ult will set her team up.

  5. Even though I hate him, Kha'Zix is the only assasin in the game that actually embodies the assasin role. His only ability that deals a lot of damage is his Q, which is single target. (Rengar kinda fits here, but I feel like nowadays he's more of a bruiser).
    What assasins shouldn't be able to do is wave clearing every minion wave within half a second. Assasins should be single target, why the fuck does every assasin gets their kit filled to the brim with AoE abilities, when that goes against their entire design philosophy. Even someone like leblanc is more fair than Katarina or Talon this way, because she can't instantly roam after wave clearing as the only AoE in her kit is her dash, making her choose to either kill the Minion wave fast but walk slowly out of lane, or kill the minion wave slowly but being able to dash away.
    Just get rid of every assasin getting AoE damage in every single ability.

  6. It's interesting watching this because funny enough I'm an adc main, almost Ez/Aphelios one trick, that despises tanks and actually likes assassins. I personally don't have strong feelings against any of them besides Fizz's one shot potential while missing everything, Ekko having a 3 second AoE stun while being a burst champion and Akali being too slippery with her W. But I kinda get why people have these opinions while I think Amumu, Rammus and Sion are the most toxic champions ever made.

  7. I might be biased as a former Leblanc main but I think she’s quite easy to play against. Yes she’s so annoying when fed but just play a champion that can shove waves like crazy and she’s not gonna do anything all game. She relies too much on snowball and has no neutral game.

    I’ve never seen a Leblanc truly 1v9 or have that potential. Most Leblancs and even Leblanc mains I’ve gone against don’t feel like they hard carry at all. I find other assassins much more annoying to deal with than Leblanc but maybe because I really know how to play against her idk. I’d say Zed would be stronger and better because whilst Leblanc has more personal safety with her mobility, Zed gets the job done better with better damage. But I don’t like how you put her as “ass” for the reason being “annoying to play against” – that isn’t really a fair assessment.

  8. Akali has the worst design: a good Akali player is unbeatable because of her 10000 dashes, the smoke donut and her sustain. No matter how much riot nerfs her, she will always be a broken champion.

  9. Rengar and Shaco were included, but not Nidalee? People kinda forget she exists, and she also works 99% like an assassin. She picks on one target, jumps in and kills the target, then just stands there; a mix between Diana and Rengar.

  10. beside her ult, qiyana doesn't have that much potential to aoe burst everyone, it's very rare people will stand close enough for that to happen. It's more common to see kayn, kayn or kata do that. Also, if she doesnt pick the right timing and right place, she wont have the option to get out once she's gone in

  11. One of the best discussions i want a video for every class as a rengar main he still can do the triple q but its hard duo to only 8 sec before it goes away but it deal alot of dmg 6k dmg on malphite full dmg with full build is a little bit broken but i think he is good because as you said cc can shut him up while jumping and exhust too he cant get out so i liked that you mentioned it

  12. I don't think Talon belongs in to Good tier because of his E, he has tons of escape against too many champions, and the roam potential with the speed of light he goes makes it hard to play against him altogether, but that's my opinion

  13. As the resident adc main, I can't abide nocturne or rengar being above ass tier. Getting point and click nuked from a screen away on a cooldown shorter than your death timer feels so unbelievably terrible. Like I get that all assassins counter adcs but at least most of them can't just click you from a galaxy away when they press R, you have to actually misposition to get got.

  14. Based on this list I can tell you're a fighter main btw. No hard feelings. Love your vids. But it seems like ur champ pool really has an effect on how you view some assassins

  15. Zed is one of the Ass Tiers for me.
    As a Support, it is impossible to defend your ADC against a Zed. You need to wait for his Ult, but none can react so fast before he gets his Damage off.
    Maybe in High ELo it is doable, but in Low Elo, where the enemies run around like Crazy when ulted, there is no way to figure out where he will land.

    The only Support who is able to defend against him is Lulu, but yeah shes a category for it's on in this case.


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