Which free character to get in 1.3? – Genshin Impact

In this video i talk about the characters that we will be able to get for free in the 1.3 update.
We can get only one of them, so that’s a very important choice to do.


40 thoughts on “Which free character to get in 1.3? – Genshin Impact”

  1. I honestly have a very hard choice. I main beidou, but I'm slowly switching to Diluc. I'm using her more as a support for tartaglia since her auto attacks are kinda weak. I have xingqui at c1 and he is a godly support. I have Ningguang at c1 and her second constellation is sooo good.

  2. I had the same question yesterday on reddit. Personally, I will choose Xingqyu because my main is Diluc.

    At first I wanted to go with Chongyun but a guy told me he isn't the best choice since after you Q with Diluc, your sword deals pyro wich overwrites other element but with Xingyun is the oposite. He overwrites Dilucs pyro so that you can apply hydro first, transforming it into a vaporized reaction.

    Since Dilucs ult relatively used a lot in his combos, I decided to sacrifice the melt reactions I could do with Chongyun

    If anyone is in the same situation as me and doesnt know what to do, you better just pick what you feel like will suit you best and keep this factors in mind:

    •Xingyu is overall one of the best supports in the game, and can do a lot of damage is given the right tools

    •Chongyun is a good support for Diluc and you dont really need to upgrade him in order for him to be viable.

    If you want to play the long game, choose Xingyu, he is overall better but will take more resources to achieve his max potential

    If you go with Chongyun, you will deal less damage overall but he takes little resorce managment

    E: if anyone is interested on the discussion,here is a link. Again if you have my situation I recomand reading it as its an very indept debate and it can help you choose. Bte it starts wit Beidou vs Chongyun but if you keep reading you'll find it


  3. for real I'm between Ning and Xingqiu, I have a Diluc that i invested a lot in, and I want Xingqiu at least C1 I have him at c0, but ning would give me some wishes, but im already investing in xingqiu, im really thinking about going xingqiu just because he's good for my Razor, my Diluc and soon my Xiao, but I'd really like to know what you think.

  4. Gonna go for either C2 Xingqiu or C5 Ningguang. My dps are Childe, Ningguang, and keqing.

    I'm leaning towards ningguang because for hydro resistance reduction i can use anemo character or zhongli shield. Also among those 3 dps, i like using ningguang the most.

  5. I dont really know who to pick I have most of the characters there except for chongyun and ningguang I have cons1 for xinqiu but i dont really use him but maybe I will someday but im indecisive af i need help pls

  6. Oml i can't decide. I'm in between c2 ning (my other dps), c6 xiangling (bc of the 15% pyro bonus during pyronado to support diluc), and c2 xingqiu (to support diluc as well)

  7. I pretty much have hery four star except for the two cryo type. So I can get Xingqiu's C1 or Chongyun, someone I don't have. Hm… I wish Diona was an option. She's the only one I need to complete Ganyu's freeze comp! But yeah, I'll go for Xingqiu simply to get me one step closer to C2. I hope he rotates in the shop soon. My star glitter is waiting!

    Oh and do you think a C6 Xiangling has any place in a Diluc comp? I got her last three copies for C6 from Ganyu's banner. Xingqiu was my goal, but I do use her if I need her burst in Abyss or constant overload.

  8. I’m AR 24 and I’m stuck on who to get. Out of everyone I only have Xiangling and she is at C0. I’m kinda new to the game so what does anyone recommend for me to start off with like to build?

  9. My current party setup consists of albedo, mona, amber and fischl. Even after watching this, i’m still doubtful on if I want Chongyun or Ningguang. Chongyun would help with the freeze with mona, sneaking in a few attacks from albedo and freezing again for hp loss and Ningguang would be great since I have the perfect 5* weapon for her, she would be helpful on the spiral abyss and I have all her ascension materials ready with me- suggestions please?


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