Which Keystone Rune Is The BEST? | League of Legends

Well it took a while but I finally got around to doing the Ranking Runes video! I was originally planning to review every single rune in the game, but then I realized that was gonna take way too long. So instead we’re just gonna talk about Keystone Runes!

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#LoL #Keystone #Runes


45 thoughts on “Which Keystone Rune Is The BEST? | League of Legends”

  1. ah yes, the most fun rune to play with and against, conq. what does it do? You see, when you fight, you fight better! Complicated I know, but you can reread that if you got lost

  2. Aftershock still works very well on Vi. Just need to make sure you get some resistances after Triforce/ Sunderer. I'd still be happily using it if I didn't fell in love with the new Chemtank/Hydra/HoB combo on her but hey shit happens 😛

    I kinda feel you on Conq as a bruiser main but I don't really have a solution I'm afraid. It's the only rune that works on AD champions who like to scrap for an extended period of time but who aren't dedicated auto-attackers and I'm not sure how else to design a rune that fits that playstyle. Maybe it could give adaptive force every second in champion combat (up to a cap) and when you're at max stacks you get x% omnivamp. That would discourage it's use on assassins but otherwise I'm clueless.

  3. Just my oppinion, but i think if grasp is D tier cos its what tanks take, i feel like conqueror should also be D tier cos its what all bruisers used to take, cos they had nothing else, and other champs use it better than them so rito keeps having to nerf it which leaves bruisers weaker. Now auto atacking bruisers get lethal tempo too but still when u compate to mages, who can use dark harvest, aeri, comet, elecrocute and first strike; or ADCs, who get to use lethal tempo, press the atatck, fleet footwork hail of blades and first strike. It just feels like rito has a preference towards some classes

  4. So lets go point by point:
    Grasp-completely agreed, pure lane rune, you take if guardian or aftershock suck. I’d say it’s good not only for short trades, but can work as conq for tanks, because they don’t have that good of scales, or because precision tree is useless for them(Shen wants ultimate hunter in red and shield runes in resolve).
    Spellbook. I disagree that you can’t know that you’re gonna need a certain summ. I take it in ranged matchups as shen sometimes, cuz you know you don’t need tp all game, but you wanna use it after your first ult to not lose tower/exp. And you can run double battle summs before an objective fight, preferably ignite+exhaust. That’s pretty consistent.
    Guardian and ahri-yup, good runes, both easy to proc, I’d say ahri is worse because it literally adds nothing to your gameplay. You just do more shields, or deal more damage when it’s ready.
    Fleet-it actually changes your gameplay on certain champs. Tempo trynd and fleet trynd lane completely differently. Fleet encourages you to spin in, get an auto and run away, tempo encourages you to go ouga bouga and all in.
    Conq-I agree, and I want to add that all the problems of conq come from the fact, that it’s the only rune created for bruisers. So it has to work on all of them and give them something, so it does everything. Solution to that would be add more bruiser runes and move conq to a more niche use.

  5. I think Lethal Tempo is my new favorite keystone. I love Jax and Kayle passives, and being able to put them on any champ is so much fun. Giving characters like Sett or even Darius ramping attack speed can be absurd at times.

  6. why do people hate so much prototype omnistone?
    i loved it and i don't think it should be replaced they could've just let the 4 inspiration keystones in the game and reworked omnistone to be more effective

  7. "Rell with Glacial Augment could be pretty insane"

    Well, they had to nerf the rune twice because it was so good on tanks, so probably, yeah.

    Also, just out of curiosity, if you could replace Grasp with a different tank keystone, what would you do?

  8. I just wanted to say something about Grasp of the Undying. As a Poppy Main and a usual tank enjoyer i'm using it very often and I kind of agree with you that it is a D tier rune. However I disagree with you about the reasons of its rank. The problem with this rune isn't that it's not doing much to anyone, actually it gives a decent trading power in a long fight considering the potential max health damage plus max health healing and max hp granted. And i'm not gonna teach you anything when i'm saying that Max HP is pretty strong on a scaling game when you are a tank. The thing with grasp is that, it is limited to tanks and some fighters because of the way you have to play to use it. It is either on a very long fight or on some poke in the laning phase. But if you want to use it to poke, you most of the time have to hit the wave to activate the 3 seconds cd before using it and by the way destroy your wave control which leads to the fact that if you are behind, you are never gonna use it early because you'll never want to fight or get near the wave. Which is why in the end you only have +100 max hp, compared to other runes it is much more inconsistent.
    In the end, this rune is intended to snowball and scale, that's why in a game with more and more damages and the average time getting shorter, you'd rather take conqueror or anything else than grasp.
    (also the malus effect on range doesn't do anything, as you can see it doesn't prevent champions like gnar, gangplank and tank senna rip to use it, the reason why range champions don't use it is attached to the same things i said earlier)

  9. dunno if anyone else went thru this but, at the end in that background teamfight/dragon taking where it was focusing on jayce, watching that for some reason left me sick to my stomach, some kind of motion sickness or smt i think, may be smt to keep an eye out for

    at 15:13

  10. I wish they'd revert the phase rush nerf for melee champions I still think it should be weaker on ranged but I think the meta would be better and shift a little bit if they rebuffed phaserush for melee only, right now all the runes are just ( take this rune for more damage ) unless your a support with glacial/guardian/aftershock all other champions lethal more damage, overtime elec burst damage, conq, stacking damage and healing, first strike damage and gold, hail of blades, do fast damage, comet circle damage!, dark harvest low health burst damage! Predators some what of an exception because of the movement speed is more than just, PTA more damage! We need a complete or semi rework of runes to add more variety and less just " take this do more damage" !!!!


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