Which MYTHIC Item Is The Best? | League of Legends

Today we have a more fun and lighthearted video, where I take all 23 mythic items in League of Legends and rank them worst to best! Let me know what you think πŸ˜€

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#LoL #Mythic #Ranking


22 thoughts on “Which MYTHIC Item Is The Best? | League of Legends”

  1. In case I didn't make it clear: I rated these mythics based on a mixture of function, design and application, not by how strong they are atm. So everyone asking me why I didn't rank Divine Sunderer SSSSSSSSSSS+ Tier, that's why.

  2. Vars: Guys I don't like Galeforce because all it does is give a small dash to an immobile champion
    Also Vars: Before the dash got removed I would put Stridebreaker in S tier because it gives a small dash to an immobile champion (Pretty neat :))

  3. I think what makes me prefer Duskblade over Prowler's is consistency. While Prowler can offer assassins better positioning and quick burst of damage, Duskblade provides the assassin utility and cc. While most assassins already have stealth, putting momentary stealth on top of that helps you to reposition. An example of this is Kayn, where after going in for a kill, Duskblade passive allows Kayn to either disengage or reposition for another kill. Next is the slow. Catching someone off-guard with a guaranteed slow can guarantee you the kill, most of the time. This is useful for assassins like Kha'zix, Rengar, and Zed who utilize basic attacks in their combos. Hitting that slow can give you the opening to dish out your combos cleanly. And the fact that these features are passive and can be granted through subsequent kills gives you more potential for multi-kills and/or dipping out after a kill. Prowler's only gives you an active to reposition and grant bonus damage. After that, you have to rely on your champion's kit to disengage/re-engage. This could mean there's less opening for multi-kills since your next priority is to survive, most of the time

  4. I just cant agree on the kraken argument
    This item fucking sucks against tanks because flat true dmg every 3 autos does literally nothing and at the point of 1 item tanks can just ignore adcs because Tabi sunfire completly tanks kraken berserk

  5. Hextech GLP-800 was cancerous and needed to be removed, even riot came to that conclusion and yet they replaced it with the even more cancerous aberration everfrost. Good logic riot.

  6. Season 2 player here, Shurelya's Reverie was the original item that gave you and your teammates a movespeed buff.
    I needed to get that one out there for my missing item brothers.
    Shurelya's Reverie
    Heart of Gold
    Philosophers Stone
    Kage's Lucky Pick
    Avarice Blade
    Zz'Rot Portal
    Righteous Glory
    Deathfire Grasp
    Wriggles Lantern
    Face of the Mountain
    Banner of Command
    Adaptive Helm
    Rod of Ages
    Frozen Mallet
    And last but not least: Mana potion.

  7. I'm kinda shocked about Shieldbow like its seriously good if that proc happens. Since basically all the items are good when their procs happen I figured this would of been atleast either S tier or high A tier.


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