Who Is The LOWEST RANKED Player In League of Legends?

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League of Legends as a popular online game, gets many people interested in being the best player they can possibly be. With that, the question of “who is the best” always comes up. But sometimes I do wonder… Who’s the worst player? Today we tackle the subject of low ranked players as we dive into Iron 4, the lowest rank in League of Legends.

Links to sources of the videos and data used:

List of iron ranked players: https://na.op.gg/ranking/ladder/page=13950

Kadeem’s stream: https://www.youtube.com/user/kadeem718

TSM Huni no kills esports: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6rjFBwDyuA

Concepts: League of Legends, Season 11, Patch 11.10, lol esports, Riot Games

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Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/lolnicolai
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Thanks for reading and watching!


23 thoughts on “Who Is The LOWEST RANKED Player In League of Legends?”

  1. Idk how true is that but I've heard kadeem is struggling from schizophrenia. Means he must be taking decent amount of medication which would affect his reflexes/thought proccess

  2. Should i share my friend on my friend list?? I played in Garena server he play trundel and just troll every Lane . He take smite and just troll my jungle and when someone Rp back he cancel it with the rod. His account lvl 600 he doing this for long time and never get banned. I just don't care play ranked anymore, bc in Garena server is just pure cancer

  3. You got the wrong sponsor for this video.
    Instead of improving my games the sponsor should be helping us get worse so we can lose more games so we can achieve the lowest ranking instead!


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