WHO WERE THE ANCIENTS // SEA OF THIEVES – Will we see them return in future updates?

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Outro music composed by https://soundcloud.com/gustav_f


48 thoughts on “WHO WERE THE ANCIENTS // SEA OF THIEVES – Will we see them return in future updates?”

  1. in the sea of thieves announce trailer when the camera looks at the kraken painting you hear a loud thunder sound and some bells right after. I haven't heard either of these sounds in game as far as I know.

  2. Loved the vid Captain, by the way wasn’t Briggsy talking about a cure to the skeleton curse in the cursed rouge tall tale? Briggsy was a accomplished adventurer do you think she found the ancients?

  3. Nobody knows who the ancients are… but how cool would it be to run into a surviving ancient in the Sea of Thieves. Perhaps they would give you special quests that unlock the secrets of the Sea of Thieves. Perhaps a secret upside down world that you can access by flipping your ship upside down like in Pirates of the Caribbean

  4. Perhaps the ancients are currently in the game. It’s entirely possible that all of the skeletons we fight in the game are what’s left of the ancients and they’re trying to kill us and drive us out of their home known as the Sea of Thieves. Lol it’s anyone’s guess.

  5. Hmmm would be interesting. 🤔 Like maybe they were all cursed but with the mermaid curse and now there are 2 types of this curse. The one for mermaids we know of and see when we fall in the water of which are recently cursed pirates, ane the one afflicting the old ones. Maybe the ancients started as just mermaids but soon turned into full blown mer-people like the creature from black lagoon. 🤔 Would be an interesting new AI. Like maybe some are friendly but other cursed tribes hate pirates and so every so often instead of a shark in the water it will be a mer-monster that will start swiping at you or maybe use a spear on you till you die. 🤔 Then maybe under water dungeons that go from land to water battles both above and below water. Would be cool.

  6. This is more of a side theory, but I'm reasonably sure that the comets that fell are the source of the Shroudbreaker and star stones. The Stars of a Thief book makes mention of a great battle in the heavens, and in several places describes the stones as falling into various places.

  7. I bought this game and tried it but after the 3rd time getting sunk with 4 guys spamming "god you're so trash you should just k*ll yourself" in both the chat and voice I decided to just cut my losses (6 hrs played time so couldn't refund) and just delete it. I thought AbsolutePixel was just joking when he made the video about Toxic gamers in SoT but no, its just as bad as every other MMO out there and it sucks that its up to us to report the shit since theres no way for Rare to detect it. Would be nice if there was an easier way to do the reports as well, I wouldn't have known how to do it if not for AP's video showing me how since Rare only tells you about it if you search their website.

  8. WAIT. I just realised. If larinna in sea of thieves is the same person in the sot book athenas fortune then we can discover a lot about her background and story. Falcore you should make a video about this

  9. Hello Falcore, I'm not sure if you are aware of this but there is a skull painted with the gold hoarder symbol on it at discovery ridge on the west side of the island in a cave im not sure what it means but I thought you would like to know

  10. Excellent game, yet no Programmer(s) can seem resist programming in God Mode.
    Yet too much Reality, would result in in just 1% of the Players subjugating everyone else (real world statistics)
    God Mode programming lets us play, without such, true reality making it all not worth playing at all

  11. I haven't played SoT in a while but I still watch your videos as I like to keep up with the story for when I come back to the game. Briggsy was looking for a cure to the skeleton curse, so I wonder if she might have known a lot about the ancients. Too bad we didn't ask her before smashing her to pieces😕


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