Why Ash has been the BEST Legend Release in Apex! – Apex Legends Season 11

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Music used:

Run – Ross Bugden:


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49 thoughts on “Why Ash has been the BEST Legend Release in Apex! – Apex Legends Season 11”

  1. Oh man, the fans thank you Rich. I am disappointed that you missed the Canned Bean Enthusiast in game, but you made up for it with awful ash ults. Now to see if Sooxfar made that montage…

  2. I respect your income grind even if this game is severely lacking in content for creators such as yourself, but kudos for making your main channel work algorithm wise while keeping fun, new and interesting gameplays on the other channel!

    Thank you for your dedication to content rich! It doesn’t go unappreciated!

  3. Hey guys! New Channel here. I dont usually advertise, but I'm trying to get into YouTube shorts. Its not easy to try and get people to take a peak at my mediocre content without sounding pesky, but any bit of consideration I would love! πŸ™‚

  4. Honestly, I think Ash's tactical is kinda weak. It's like a weak version of Fuse's ability. Her ultimate is pretty great, but difficult to coordinate if you play with randoms. Her passive is probably her best ability, but overall there are definitely better Legends in the roster.


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