Why can't we criticize ugly characters? The Medium. – A Rant –

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28 thoughts on “Why can't we criticize ugly characters? The Medium. – A Rant –”

  1. "some players may find certain scenes and themes triggering"
    Triggering fucking what? A hypocritical rant about racism or sexism? They don't even specify, it's just "triggering". The kind of language we use ironically or derogatively.

    "I don't mess with your childhood". What childhood? If they had something they liked from childhood, they'd be enjoying their hobbies instead of posting on social media 40 times per hour.

  2. Because beauty is a privilege and all privilege is bad. Except for the privilege of the self professed downtrodden to be automatically right about everything. Virtue is sin, beauty is ugliness, strength is weakness, wisdom is stupidity, contentment is madness, sanity is opressive.

  3. Vee, usually we're on the same page, and when you rant about beauty and female characters in videogames I agree in principle, but then I see specifically what you're complaining about and get confused. It's happened before and it's happening again. This 00:53 looks… fine to me. That isn't butt ugly at all. There are plenty of uglier characters out there to complain about. It may not be an exceptional beauty nor is it some hyper-stylised anime character, but does it need to be that? It just looks fine. Regardless of me not understanding your opinion here, this game had promotional material, I'm not sure your complaints can really be justified if you jumped in blind…

  4. I thought you were Overreacting at first … I was gonna talk shit , but you literally used the most flattering picture of the character out there .. it's like they put an 60year old woman's face on a twelve year old boys body and called it a day …

  5. My roommate declares himself to be an asshole quite frequently. "I'm an asshole about that!" is his mantra. I think that he, like many of us, resent the loss of individual freedim to have uniques tastes. Uniquity will always translate into INIQUITY to those who self righteously wish to self righteously position themselves pre-emptively in a position of superiority nevermind if there is no rational evidence (like agreed upon vocabulary) to support said position. As long as they can shout louder and longer and get a chorus of fellow morons to drown out any scrap of civil discourse they are satisfied to declare themselves the winner and the media will back then up giving permanent valudation by posting the narrative onto the internet.

  6. As a heterosexual female, can I REEEEE about the lack of long legs and shapely ass in video games/comic books/general media?? Or even, beautiful faces ?? Where are the beautiful faces?!
    Seriously, I have a REEEE in the chamber that I’m dying to use and a lot of rage to propel it 😑😑

  7. When Arnold played Conan, he was at the peak of his career of body building (or near it). Conan usually just wore a loin cloth and maybe a pauldron to look cool. large, perfectly sculpted pecs and abs chiseled by the gods, and was for some reason always oiled up at all times. At no point did anyone think "oh this is supposed to represent real men" instead, everyone thought "wow what a macho badass" and of course many thought it sexy too. This trope persists today, but for prettied up females, its becoming very discouraged.


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