Why Champs Are BROKEN in Pro Play but TERRIBLE in Solo Queue – League of Legends

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Concepts: Best ADC 10.21, Best support 10.21 best mid laners 10.21, best junglers 10.21, best top laners 10.21 patch 10.21 rundown, 10.21 lol, 10.21 changes, Samira nerfs 10.21, Hecarim nerfs 10.21, Graves nerfs 10.21, Nidalee nerfs 10.21, Camille nerfs 10.21, Pantheon nerfs 10.21, Corki buffs 10.21, Aphelios buffs 10.21, Trundle buffs 10.21, Lee sin buffs 10.21, Karma buffs 10.21, Udyr buffs 10.21, Nimbus cloak nerfs 10.21,

0:00 Intro
0:56 QOTD
1:53 First Words
4:14 Tahm Kench
6:19 Azir
7:53 Lucian
10:11 Gangplank
12:21 Outro

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32 thoughts on “Why Champs Are BROKEN in Pro Play but TERRIBLE in Solo Queue – League of Legends”

  1. Veigar or any infinitely/heavily scaling champion. NA likes to play slow, but from what I see they tend to favor mid game champions. No pro matches get to 6 items, so champs like Veigar and Nasus that have passive scaling do well in long solo queue games. Pro players would never be able to get to the point in their games that those champs are at the point of no return

  2. I don’t know dawg Tham top with Grasp is filthy. One of the best lvl 1 lane bully tanks, and if you don’t feed mid game, once you hit late game dyingis a thing of the past. He’s honestly so fun.

  3. As someone who mains azir and bought him day 1 of release date,i gotta say he rly is bad for solo q. I have 70% win rate in 160 games. I hardly lose cause of me because i play that guy for a long time and im pretty good at him(my opinion). Sometimes enemies pick him before me and i destroy them,and usually im asking myself how do ppl play him so bad. And this season i understood how. u need at least a duo that understands what u are doing. If u play solo enemies dont hear u and dont know what is ur next idea

  4. Haha, That's kinda fun, I'm a huge fan of TK and GP and yes it's quite hard to do soloQ with them now ! I was playing them before, during, and after they were buffed. TK is benched for soloQ, Rito completely gutted his mechanics but I still play him in urf with good success. GP well, he don't shine but with good mechanics he is always fun to play. I think the biggest issue for GP in soloQ (additionally from the things in the video) is that you really need to know your matchups in order to come out with the upper hand on top. In most case, the best option is to farm safe and wait for your jungler. Fine the wave and freeze close to your turret, poke your opponent if they get close and that should do it.
    QOTD : I think Katarina, Yorick, Trynd and Singed are probably never gonna make it in pro (at least I have not seen them). But due to the hell mess that soloQ is they can thrive and have success.

    Thanks for the video ! Peace out !


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