Why Climbing Feels IMPOSSIBLE – What I Wish I'd Known (RANKING UP) – Valorant Guide

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24 thoughts on “Why Climbing Feels IMPOSSIBLE – What I Wish I'd Known (RANKING UP) – Valorant Guide”

  1. I am Immortal 3 peaked radiant. I want to try to join tier 2 teams and try to make it into tier 1 teams. Any tips? Also if you are trying to climb rank please try to get a duo or trio because it is fun and removes random bad teamates

  2. Every time I’ve been hardstuck in a rank I’ve gotten a imm/rad friend to look at a vod and it helps a ton

    Fixing the tiny mistakes you make makes your gameplay overall 10x better, and if you try to improve by 1% every day you will be better in no time, whether this is fixing a mistake or learning a new jump ect. I’ve gone from i3 to plat 1 in 3 months as valorant being my first fps

  3. 2 acts ago I hit plat, I went from plat 1 to currently plat 3 rn. I think i'm hardstuck in plat 3 rn because I win 2 in a row and lose 2 in a row. Ima try to vod review now because this is the closest I've been to diamond with basically 3 games away every time I hop on this act. My bad habits actually causes me to die which impacts round, not my aim. Like rotating too early and such.

  4. ngl i improved a lot by mechanically and also game sense
    but i am still hard stuck b2
    earlier i was i2 but i started following gameleap so i get to known about game more and more so i improved
    but at this point i think i can't rank up more than silver 3
    i drop 17+ kills with any agent and 20+ kills with any duelists i am consistent
    but i get afk most of the time
    in my past career i get 6 afks in my last 10 matches
    all matches i lost i was in lead like 8-4 or 9-3 but still loss because of afks
    and one more think
    if you comms or tell something to do your teammates they does nothing of that and say you are disturbing them and switch of the mic

  5. Me: oh cool maybe this video will give an in depth explanation and a way to work around Valorant's flawed lag system with delayed hit regs, or the broken MMR system, or the overall fact that Valorant actively hardstucking people results in accidental smurfing.

    Video: just git gud lel

  6. 2:36 yeah cross hair placement matters. See this bs these are hitting yoru, gun play is a** when your bullets are on target and none hit or only 3 hit out of 8 or 9 that is complete bs. Also gotta use an assault rifle as a fking sniper rifle makes no sense at all. This game is a*. And Riot is never going to listen to the fans or fix their sh* game.


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