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Copyrights to this song go to OpTic Pamaj https://www.youtube.com/user/PuR3Pamaj


(I do not own the copyright to this song)

apex legends btw


47 thoughts on “WHY DOES APEX KEEP DOING THIS?! (Apex Legends PC)”

  1. Honestly, caustic can be outplayed pretty easy except for end game. The challenge is to get him to the end. In the open their is not much you can do except for dropping down a canister. Also giving him a lower cooldown wont change anything of the situations where he is good or bad. He got a nerf a while ago (removing the blur effect of the gass) and honestly that was OP, lower tactical cooldown is not. You can shoot all his barels in no time. Just throw a nade in and its done. Then its just shooting 3 canisters he throws and push. I dont understand why everybody is crying about this. The buff prob wont change to much except for the players trying him out first just to realize the buff isnt that big and swap back to the meta or fun legends.

  2. I play caustic, but you wonโ€™t find me sitting in buildings the whole game, more of an aggressive caustic or use traps to block doors etc when trying to heal

  3. Buffing and nerfing legends based on win rate and pickrate doesnโ€™t work especially since you actually need to play the game a little bit to actually unlock caustic so some people wonโ€™t even have access to him the reason Watson,wraith and path win rate is so high is because pro players use them and they use them because this is a team based game and these legends are honestly one of the few legends who has abilities that actually help them in team play all the other legends abilities help there selves more than they help the team and them having high pick rates can be contributed to seeing pro players use them,the amount of skins they get,them pretty much being face of apex and getting more attention than the other characters etc. also people kill grind legends no matter how much they been nerfed you know whatโ€™s funny?now theyโ€™re messing with wraith and path hit boxes because theyโ€™re so desperate to nerf them even though said low profile was suppose to balance there hitboxes they even said wraith hitbox is the same as lifeline and Watson the only problem with her was the running yet they fixed that and they still wanna mess with her hitbox they even admitted they made pathfinder hitbox bigger because of his high win rate and even kept low profile๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚they really went back on there words honestly theyโ€™re talking the lazy way out introduce a legend whoโ€™s got actually got good team play abilities rather than nerfing the only legends with good team play abilities or introduce solo mode or solo ranked or whatever where team play wouldnโ€™t matter as much or at least bring it back temporarily since the last time there been a lot of better solo legends than path and wraith(horizon,octane in my opinion,Bangalore etc.) and see the data on how well they do also offense>defensive legend no one likes to play slow thatโ€™s why bloodhound is picked even more than caustic you know the funny thing is Iโ€™m pretty sure caustic use to be the second most picked legend

  4. โ€œNobody wants to sit in a building and play for the actual win…โ€

    That statement holds the disconnect between dev and gamer.

    In your eyes, gun skills and situational awareness out weigh the win. (Commendable)
    In a noobs eyes, itโ€™s shiny new loot.
    To the solo jumper, itโ€™s adventure.
    To the troll, itโ€™s dying then spamming.
    Until everyone playing the game has some other reason to be here besides WIN THE GAME.
    How do you make a game for that?!
    When a high percentage of the player base has winning as a 3rd or 4th priority? If at all.
    You donโ€™t.
    You cut your loses and spend time developing a store to sell garbage to planned losers, drawing them back to stale ltmโ€™s – leveraging the fun of others by using SBMM while skillfully concealing future intentions from gamers and shareholders.

    Can you tell I used to LOVE this game?

    Patches didnโ€™t ruin it. Patches canโ€™t save it. This ainโ€™t Dark Souls..

  5. As for me I have stop playing apex cos i can't solo queue against three stacks every game on and on and on bcos of stupid SBMM .Every things about this game is bad , solo queue experience is bad , legend's balance bad , Ranked experience bad full of hackers …Apex legends is not a fun game anymore

  6. people hate on caustic because he makes them feel weak as a gamer. imagine being actually good at this game but can't win the fight because a caustic has you at bay…….caustic, the great equalizer……Death stalks the ignorant, intelligence will guide us to survival

  7. @nmoose i would say gibby is on the other hand one of the best in pubs… the bubble res, the gunshield, the bubble itself where you can outplay whole team? Lets be real.. he is great in every situation. You get caught 100 in front of your team… you just drop bubble and dance around and wait for your team. i do play gibby for nearly 3 seasons mainly and once you learn how to "dance" the bubble, he is a machine.

  8. My biggest problem about this game is Ohh God i came to South Africa for my project and i tried to play Apex my ping was 210ping lowest London EU server's ..None single server is in Africa what the f**k is this come on it not fair …Look how big Africa is and there is None server there is doesn't make any sense …please respond put server to Africa cos a lot of streamers and gamers are in African countries too

  9. Bruh stopp going off about caustic hes good for rushing to its the random caustic's that place bad stereotypes about him same goes with octane. When I play caustic I rush most fights and only camp in buildings if I go to the bathroom

  10. They should lower the sbmm just no difference between cod sbmm you need to fight against 3 stacks while my randoms leaving the and i also Stopped playing because if this

  11. Itd be nice to see more buffs to other legends like this. It's so annoying to see only squads of Horizon, Wraith and Bloodhound or Horizon, Wraith and Gibraltar. Running around with mastiffs volts r99 and wing mans. Any change that disrupts those weapons or legends streams are crying.

  12. MOOSE! Watson buff could be adjusting generator to be able to mix it where 70% goes to ultimate generator and 30% goes to shield generator. Or 70% shield generator 30% ultimate generator!

  13. Im caustic main but i play like octane cause i cant just sit an wait for somone to hit my gas I wish his movement was better but other that he needs no help in the buff department

  14. Stop complaining. The devs are right Caustic is weak if he isnโ€™t doing anything but sitting in a house. If heโ€™s gonna be good he needs to be super OP at the ONE thing heโ€™s good at

  15. It's not thay caustic is weak, it's that caustic is favored by the less skillful, more casual player base that lose their fights to begin with… while wraith for instance, isnt THAT op, but is more strategically inclined to be played by a high skill player which makes her win rate higher than caustic, not because she is objectively better than him…

  16. 100 percent agree with everything you said. Caustic takes no skill to use and im a firm believer that if a legend can kill you without even needing to pickup a weapon they are op.

  17. Ok but y is it skilled to rush a team get lit up and be able to phase out back to your team while being invulnerable and 40% faster and having the smalles hit box in the game? Even after this caustic buff nothing will change Wraith will still be #1 and thats the problem with Apex fanbase and players thatll ultimately cause the game to DIE! As soon as a legend comes in or gets buff to change the Meta yall complain and cry about it!! "We want it back the old way" before the damn buff is even LIVE! The fact that Wraith has been Meta since day 1 and still is is just SAAAAD! No variety! They Buff Gibby and Blood to possibly take the #1 spot n yall cry thats OP! Pathy was #1 for a lil bit then yall cried till he was nerfed to the ground. Imagine only wanting 1really good legend and saying that pairing her up with other 2nd tier legends = balance Lmao


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