Why Does Riot Nerf The WORST Champions In The Game?

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Today, let’s go over why Riot nerfs champions like Lillia, Azir, Ryze, and Nidalee… even when in Solo Queue Ranked they have 44-45% win rates.

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Special thank you to my long time friend Kyle who helped out with editing some parts of this video! https://www.instagram.com/_kylekiss_/

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Official Track list – https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSWyP0k6ASiNm7n82RGPyfgr-R__bC7vOA_bdt5VvbvjmEJKX3SwNm8i88dW1nkuBE-fHM3CuUuQmdx/pub

Songs in this video come from the super talented Adrian von Ziegler, an awesome artist who allows YouTubers to use his music for free. He’s great at what he does, please check out his stuff here and subscribe to his channel —- https://www.youtube.com/user/AdrianvonZiegler

Songs also from Peten Music please check out his soundcloud! https://soundcloud.com/petenmusic

Songs are also from Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com/

►Sources (please check out these creators!)

Tye 14 – Hextech Crafting (awesome to see him save up 6 months of loot) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zzgwykk_Ckw

Apollo432 – Call of Duty Modern Warfare https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5P-U4E8zhY

Kshaway League of Legends – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EISF3ajEgxE

Luminosity Call of Duty UMG Gaming Discussion – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxKmy2odgKU

Season 11 Rammus Jungle Ryfuhn – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsdYsy2lMKg

General Sniper Clash League of Legends Challenger – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xjwb0I4BoE

TFT Redox Set 4.5 Ranked – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVzrb9pRiL4


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27 thoughts on “Why Does Riot Nerf The WORST Champions In The Game?”

  1. I've always thought it's ridiculous to expect the game to be balanced around anything but pro play. If we balanced around bronze players or even gold players, the "balance" that riot has achieved would get even worse than it already is. Having two separate versions of the game is an idea I had actually not seen before, but my main thoughts against it are these: the main appeal of esports is that you can do what the pros do. Just like watching your favorite basketball player, you too can practice and try to become great, and you can study their play to do so. If the games are on different patches, the meta could become wildly different, and it will cause a disconnect between the players and the professional game. OWL had a similar issue when it was considering Role Queue. For those who don't know, in the original days of overwatch there was no Role lock or role queue, similar to how LoL was in the early days. However, this carried over to the pro scene: crazy compositions often became the meta, such as running 3 tanks and 3 supports with no dps heroes, or running 4 dps heroes with just one tank and one support. To me, this was one of the appeals of overwatch as an esport, the crazy strategies that minmaxed the game. However, for soloQ it was a nightmare. Every game was just about who could instalock their role fast enough. If you didn't get it, good luck trying to be useful for that game. Players asked for Role Queue for soloQ for a long time. When Blizzard finally added it, they also added it to pro play, to try to counter the GOATS meta since they had been unable to balance the game away from that strategy. They did this because they felt it didn't make sense to have the playerbase playing a different version of the game from pros. They wanted the players to be able to watch pro matches and try to emulate it in their soloQ games.

    The other reason I don't think that having two separate versions is a good idea is that Riot already has no clue what they're doing with just one version to manage. They refused to nerf Kaisa for nearly 6 patches, and when they did finally nerf her it was a tiny nerf to her ult cooldown in the early game, basically non-existent change. They made AD Katarina builds viable for no apparent reason. They've ruined itemization for dozens of champions with no solution in sight. For some of them, they don't even seem to acknowledge that there is a problem with itemization. This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Riot's incompetency. If they have to balance both around pro play and around casual soloQ, I'm confident that any facade of balance that currently exists will quickly evaporate. Inevitably they'll be forced to just pick one to focus on, and then instead of soloQ being moderately balanced, it'll just be basically ignored. I just think that you have to balance the game around pro because pros play it the way the game is meant to be played. I think it makes more sense to try and push the soloQ experience closer to pro play than it does to further tear them apart. (Although I will agree that the current state of soloQ does not in any way resemble pro play)

  2. i wish theyd just make a dedicated pro play server where they just perma queue vs each other with integrated voicecoms. this way the pros can play on their server with their dedicated pro nerfs / buffs and casuals dont get affected by thos pro nerfs

  3. WTF? You compare a game no one knows with one of the most popular games out there? I dont want to hear 9 retards yelling every soloq game, unless they give me the option to automute everyone before start playing.

    Also, victorious skins are a thing.

    Riot loves Kaisa and they refused to nerf anything that brings those sweet skins money like anything with a KDA skin. The only hope to see her with a lower pick/ban its to release something even more broken.

  4. I always believe games should be balanced towards high level play but not the absolute top when it comes to team games. It provides you with a player base of genuinely skilled players who have a great understanding of the game without making changes for little timmy that doesn't know how to manage waves still. The compensation solution you offered could work if expanded upon more to reduce the suffering of pros and skilled-elite players alike
    Changes to ranked I can agree with, I've abstained from playing ranked so much simply because I hate playing league alone because of the people I can encounter

  5. I’m so terrified of voice chat in solo q ☠️ I feel like I’d get soooo many slurs thrown at me for my voice and lisp and I definitely have heard other gay men as well as women have this concern as well

  6. Tin foil hat theory I think riot intentionally nerfs champions badly to say oh look we nerfed this champion that they didn't actually want to nerf just to please the player base. But Idk maybe there are just 200 years

  7. I'm just here never playing ranked and only wanting to play normals.

    Honestly I kinda wish we could see the % rebalance like aram. It'd just be nice to make the normal mode actually be for fun while ranked is for competitive and close to pro.

  8. It's not a matter of being right or wrong. It's just about what kind of game do you want your game to be? Do you want it to be a casual game with a lack luster competitive scene? Or do you want it to be a super competitive game? I guess we all know the answer to what kind of game league is, and that's why the game is balanced the way it is. If you don't like it, play another game because they won't be changing that in the foreseeable future. Also, balancing the game in two separate ways would fragment the player base, which is almost always a bad thing for a game. So there you go.

  9. Mainly agree with everything, but… I don’t think riot should PAY you to play their game. Ranked queue’s main goal is to make FAIR games for you, not to give you skins for your progress. If I won’t get autofilled sup on jng every promo, I’ll be so much happier then if I get a new Leona skin.

  10. I personally like lillia more on toplane that in jungle but i use her more for counter pick champs that don't have much movility or the ones that have a lot of movement speed like singed or Darius with ghost. She also has a pretty good wave clear.

  11. This issue is Kai'sa isnt that she is over tuned its that all other adc's are undertuned and anytime they are viable they just get nerfed. ADC has been hit hardest by pro play exp disadvantages and more make the role nearly impossible to play the only champ who can self peel and sustain through the game is kaisa. She isnt OP in the bigger scheme of things just the others are just that fucking bad.

  12. Nice video! I love how it comes back to Kaisa lol. She’s got the most overloaded kit in the game and an answer to almost anything. Sure, almost all of the recent champion releases have some broken mechanics, but most of the kits as a whole don’t feel as overloaded as Kaisa (Samira might be the closest). People freaked out about Aphelios on release, and yeah he was broken, but he has some clear weaknesses and has been nerfed. I don’t think you see multiple forms of mobility, a giant shield, hybrid dmg, and invisibility in his kit or any other champion’s, but these are all present with Kaisa, and that’s not even everything she has. All just my opinion

  13. Just like they did with my Akali, the changes were more focused on soloQ than proplay. Particularly her energy regen being moved from the passive (being that not many soloQ players know how to use her passive effectively) to her W where now to get an extra 80 energy you just have to press W and tadaaa

  14. If my teammate bans what I've got slotted as my pick. I just play the most off thing in the role I can think of at the time. Oh, you didn't want me to mid Mog? Well now you get mid Nami, good job asswipe.

  15. All this and you didn't even consider all the people that don't care about pro play at all lol. They could shut it down for all I care, stop balancing the game around like the 0,01%


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