Why Does WINNING Feel RANDOM? – League of Legends

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32 thoughts on “Why Does WINNING Feel RANDOM? – League of Legends”

  1. played last night as adc. went 23/4 with a jax top on my team that was also kinda fed. like 9/2.
    anyways the rest of our team was trash. and we ended up losing because i couldnt do anything without someone in front of me taking damage.
    i was 19/1 during lane phase and died 3 times after just trying to defend base.
    like how hard is it to focus around your fed players and objectives….
    instead i got a fizz mid going 1/12 split pushing solo non stop.
    its just crazy in this game how wins can be so obvious and easy and people will do anything other than what it takes to win.
    i swear after laning phase people just dont know what to do. so they just wander around and eventually someone takes nexus 40 mins later.

  2. What are u doing if your adc don't know when to base and will stay for more wasves so there can get there item there really wanna have but make the lane bad for us both, shall I so just base and let the adc die and then here there stupid adc cry over at there are dumb?

  3. I dare you "Skill" Capped, make one realistic video about what to do when you dominate the bot lane, but your top and jgl keep going 0/10. THAT's what makes it random. 95% of the time it's all about who gets the disastrous players on their team. Make some relevant content FOR ONCE please! Edit: An no, don't make a video where the enemy team "leads" by 2 kills. In reality it's at least 10 kills most of the time by level 6. Now a "what-do" video about that is what everyone would like to see.

  4. I feel like this video could be better if there was another example to sell your point "why am I winning?". An example in other roles like top mid or jg would have been been more suitable for the generalist title imo. Similar to the video on the "inside out" rule

  5. For me adc feels like a 50 50 role because of mid game. I can absolutely hard stomp lane and have great cs, but some games my brand support clears the waves before I can get there, my inting fiora spam pings me and claims the wave for herself and my mid is in the opponents side of the map split pushing and the jgl camps are all down. So I lose because I cannot farm and my mid ends up dying to the enemy adc who was behind. I might be 4/0 by the end of laning phase but I end up being the most useless member in our team

  6. 6:12 Seems liked you are saying they should have dove them, but then later you say they should recall. Ezreal "slow pushes" as much as he could've from that wave state. Is diving the correct play or not?

  7. You forgot to mention the part where despite doing perfect game you get hit in the head by an op zeri or a Samira who literally blocks riot from blocking an account.

  8. I have one insane problem with this game.
    It feels like skill doesn´t matter… like I int and still win the game and the next game I get insanely ahead and still lose.
    This is the randomness which I don´t like. :/

  9. Lol support diff. Its true. I tilt before the game starts when my support picks an enchanter and the other team picks a Leona or Brand. The lane is pretty much over in champ select.

  10. Cause it is, lmao even in challenger there’s 3 types of matches. Insta lose there’s a 1% chance to win. You won it’s not question and it goes to 40 mins and your all so bored so somone makes a dumb mistake and you win or lose.

  11. I was going to say it was possible between silver and grand master, as after watching Broxah try to get back into Challenger it seems the skill in that bracket is about the same. And I'm only being a little bit sarcastic there, the amount of throwing, inting, and giving up in Grand Master is actually ridiculous, I figured by then people would have strong mental and know the game, but it seems neither is true for the people hard stuck in GM.


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