Why Everyone HATES Velma (and Velma HATES You Too)

Thoughts and prayers for Velma Dinkley.

Special thanks to @TheOGCrit for helping me with the video.


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25 thoughts on “Why Everyone HATES Velma (and Velma HATES You Too)”

  1. A waaay better concept would've been making this a new group of kids who were fans of Mystery Inc buying / finding the van after the original gang broke up after Scooby died. They broke up before a few times in lore so like — it's not that hard to believe they would've officially moved on with other things once Scooby kicked the bucket.

  2. I agree with most of these assessments but it’s only been 2 episodes it could get better (but then again probably not). Plus the thing about daphne doing nothing is half true she’s motivated to find her birth parents.

  3. It makes me feel like they took my childhood and tool a shit on it, making all my favorite characters impossible to like and relate to, as well as making the plot impossible to watch and making all the jokes rather racist, stereotypical, or just insulting me because i'm watching the show.

  4. This feels less like a new TV show, and more like an overly exaggerated online parody of the show. I wasn't the largest Scooby-Doo fan, I enjoyed a good chunk of the series; but it's easy to tell this is just taking the iconic characters for the sake of pulling in a crowd, and failing to understand the expectations, or not giving a shit that it's going to piss people off, because it's still going to get attention even if it's negative.

    The entire core dynamic of the cast has been butchered beyond recognition, which is pretty funny when you consider the 5 Man band basically amounted to: Team Finesse (Fred), Team Support (Daphne), Shy Bookworm (Velma), Cowardly Comedy Relief (Shaggy), and Team Mascot (Scooby). In general, it just seems whenever someone attempts to take a previously simple show and make it 'edgy' it ends up being a throwaway commentary show, that is trying way too hard to be gritty that it's just hilarious at how bad it is.

  5. i'm certain this show was never supposed to be a scooby doo spin-off, but had its own original characters and revolved around a mystery. But because they wanted conversation about it and viewers, they hamfisted in Velma and Co. without adapting the story. So that's why all our beloved detectives aren't written faithfully, and why Scooby is not included because they never had a dog in the original concept. This isn't a Scooby-Doo reincarnation, but a lousy tv show not confident in its own writing & characters trying to mask as one (like a classic Scooby Doo monster, ironically)

  6. It kinda bugs me that the only character who’s race was important to the character was Fred according to the creator, was his race important so he could be a snobby racist rich kid?

  7. Velma: smart caring solves the case a bit socially awkward
    Shaggy: comic relif and captures the villian
    Scooby Doo: the dog who literally talks, also comic relief best friends with shaggy
    Daphne: intelligent, uses her riches smartly, slightly oblivious, is a badass (knows martial arts rescues herself) has a good relationship with fred
    Fred: leader, oblivious, cares for his friends, loves traps

    This new show. A horrible woke commentary destroying good storytelling for its agenda. I hate this soooo much!

  8. God I REALLY hated how Fred was the punching bag. Aside from the bastardization, it genuinely made me annoyed that they'd recycle a borderline body-shaming joke throughout the entire two episodes. I'm seriously just baffled how anyone thought of it as hilarious or clever. Imagine if a show's entire joke was to make fun of someone's booba? If that concept sounds so bizarre, then I'm surprised why not enough people are talking about the borderline body-shaming peepee jokes there is in this show?

  9. They didn't let Scooby be in the show because it would have been extremely brand damaging to the Scooby-Doo brand if he would actually included with this and since he's not they can distance themselves from the show if they need to very easily

  10. Litterally character assassination of everyone. I hate the romance as well, the reason people liked Velma and Daph before was they were opposite each other and that caused growth for them, also Fred was an inattentive boyfriend a himbo more pursuing his work than his relationships. Fred's a big one for me, cuz they took away his brains so far, him and Velma always felt like leaders together, they could have easily had him as a brave and well meaning character he was before even if he was just boring.
    Norville, I'm sorry couldn't they just have made a separate character entirely had shaggy and scooby leave as they worked as a pair now he just kinda sits there being a poorly executed character and another punching bag with Fred.
    Daph her characters predictable the second I saw the trainwreck I thought oh well let's see how much of a bitch they make her, despite the fact while a tad vain she was very romantic caring and often acted as the heart of the group especially in mystery Inc.


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