Why is Apex Like This..? – Apex Legends Season 10

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47 thoughts on “Why is Apex Like This..? – Apex Legends Season 10”

  1. I just wanna say i just came back from Kobi’s new videos, where he said he asked you if you consider him as a friend, and you said yes. And it brings me back in time when you ,jankz and kobi used to play together, kobi always talk to you nicely and so do you. Youre such a good guy. Im not playing apex anymore but i watch your videos every single day.

  2. I love this game so much but things like this are just so annoying so frustrating… And the skill of most of my "team mates" is just ridiculous. They have to fix this. I'm dying because of people who can't play this game. 99 % of don't even use headphones so I'm just sat there talking to myself ://// anyone wants to play???? We can add each other. I play on xbox

  3. Fixed and buffed bracelet btw. Lmao. Simply making lobas bracelets cooldown function by distance travelled like pathfinders will allow people to feel more comfortable making short tps without feeling like they wasted their tactical and consequently reduce unfortunate scenarios like this but hey Daniel Klein knew best and according to him loba was already so strong.

  4. I've been stuck in Plat II/Plat III, but yet every time I drop in pubs, it's with tons of diamonds, masters, and preds. Apex's SBMM sucks.

    This game is toxic and mentally draining— I think we've all felt it. You hop on after a day of work and instead of getting to play some fun and casual games, you're forced to sweat your ass off. I literally have to play ranked or arenas to get away from how bad pubs are.

  5. Good on you playing like a wholesome team player. Lootgame is infuriating sometimes, but all pro players seem to have that. When you are god tier like rich you dont need to proper loot hehe, can't blame him

  6. I hope lifeline gets a buff or rework her ult mainly, I'm no main I use her time to time but comparing lobas ult to hers the care package is just obsolete, amount of times I see a care package land from sky and see them get bombarded is countless and all for a couple heals really haha and deff wattson too

  7. Apex is getting weirder man…the way it reaches that higher level when you fight dou and after long sort od fight with the last member of the squad because he were holding a zipline on me literally when i killed him and hitted that zipline at the same place that guy were chilling two showed up from the same position while hittin the zip and killed me…how or why idk there is no way they could be here because i was looking at the spot whole time

  8. My favorite thing when watching Rich play is to count how many attachments he completely walks over he could definitely use. You wont believe how many purple sniper stocks he walks past when using a G7

  9. Do you play with a controller on PC? How do you compensate for the recoil on the G7? (i.e straight down or slightly angled etc.) I’m pretty accurate, just catch myself with horizontal rise sometimes.

  10. Rich when a teammate says they need shields, don’t you feel you could have dropped some of your 10 shield cells (as you also had 2 batts) rather than just pickup 2 more cells, possibly the only ones in the area (there were 4 left after the pickup I checked later), but then also ping a new blue shield. He might not actually have had something to charge up with, even after a shield swap, when he next takes damage?

  11. enjoying all of Rich's content, but I would be just as happy(or happier) if he uploaded other games. The game does not matter as much as the content creator. Please don't burn out on Apex, mix it up–we will still watch.


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