Why NO ONE Plays KAY/O – Valorant

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Today we talk about why Kay/o has fallen into obscurity as his pick rate and win rate plummeted right at launch. While he has a distinct set of CC that no other agents replicate, he seems to have some core weaknesses that make him struggle to find a place in the meta.

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0:00 Intro
0:39 Zero/Point
3:51 Flash/Drive
5:40 Qotd
6:10 Frag/Ment
7:16 Null/Cmd
8:30 Conclusion
8:57 Outro

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32 thoughts on “Why NO ONE Plays KAY/O – Valorant”

  1. QOTD: Imo, KAY/O only needs 2 buffs to make him a viable pick

    1. Imo KAY/O’s ult is underwhelming and arguably the worst part of his kit as it’s mostly an annoyance unless you can actually see KAY/O. To fix it, maybe Riot could add an info gathering aspect if the opponents are close enough to KAY/O that could be something like a Valkyrie scan from Apex Legends. Also, the faster firing is more of a crutch than a buff as it becomes harder to control his spray. To fix this, Riot could switch out that buff for something more tactically useful such as faster reload time.

    2. This isn’t an issue with KAY/O but rather with how oppressive Skye and Sova are as they can do all that KAY/O can but better. To deal with this, all Riot would need to do is nerf Skye or Sova and depending on the nerf KAY/O could become viable again.

  2. I personally feel like the meta is actually not the game's responsibility as much as it is the people's. Cause this game literally has so much potential it's just a question of : are people creative enough n willing to tap into that potential or are they just gonna stay in the comfort zone

  3. They should just add slow effect to knife, whoever gets hit by it suppressed or slowed for short duration and ability to detonate flash mid-air after throwing it (This changes might be bit too OP)

  4. I don’t play KAY/O because his face looks very similar to the range boys that players practice their aim with. KAY/O is extremely easy to shoot in the head for me and other players because we’re all used to shooting range bots that look like him.

  5. They could give Kay-o's knife the ability to tag people once like a cypher cam
    I feel like this would give a Intel gathering aspect to him while not making him overpowered
    Edit: the tag would only happen once when the knife goes off

  6. The fact that KAY/O can throw his flash so far and that it doesn’t immediately pop off of walls like Yoru’s means he can do some pretty fun flashes around most areas, including important ones. I still agree that Skye’s flashes are by far the best, but KAY/O’s definitely have some good use. Maybe the timer on when the flash makes noise could be reduced? Currently it’s 1 second, so maybe reduce it to 0.7 seconds?

    His molly definitely needs a buff despite how much burst damage it does, maybe either 5 bursts or less time between bursts.

    His blade is definitely useful for gathering early info and hurting pushes/retakes, though as a KAY/O you’ve got to learn the right places to throw your knife so that it doesn’t get instantly shot or miss an area.

    Finally there’s his ult, which functions similarly to a Phoenix ult, being generally stronger as a whole, but has the drawback of your teammates needing to push with you and get your trade if you go down, which makes sense as KAY/O is an Initiator. As long as your team is getting kills off of your down then you did your job. On defense it’s a bit more iffy, but it performs the same role as the blade on defense, preventing utility spam during a push, which is pretty useful.

    Of course this is all ignoring the fact that KAY/O’s suppressive abilities disable Killjoy, Cypher, Viper, Jett ult, Raze Ult, and Sova ult, along with any other utility big and small.

    KAY/O is a good agent, but it’s the opposite reaction to Killjoy’s release where they’re overall fine, could use a small buff here or there, but people just need to learn how to play them.

  7. I hope they won't buff Kay/O, he's like the kid on the playground who does not like the game just wanna ruin their fun – irritating to play against, barely useful when on your side (the molly gameplay mechanic is bad, the flashes should have no sound before popping and his knife is like a crappy sova dart…)


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