Why NO ONE Plays: Neeko (REMADE) | League of Legends

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Why NO ONE Plays: Neeko is back! I decided to remake this episode since a lot of people were asking me about what happened to the old one. For those of you who watched the old one, my points still more or less remain the same but with slightly better explanation.

Also this is Jake’s first edited video! He usually does my thumbnails and graphics but he wanted to try video editing. So hope you enjoy 😀

~Editor (TofuGraphics)~
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TofuGraphics
Website: https://tofugraphics.carbonmade.com/

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Graphics (also) provided by: https://tofugraphics.carbonmade.com/

#Neeko #LoL #WhyNoOnePlays


45 thoughts on “Why NO ONE Plays: Neeko (REMADE) | League of Legends”

  1. Coming back to league, Neeko was definitely my favourite character. Can’t get mad while playing her, love her dialogues. Jungle gap nidalee!

    Edit: Nah bro, this video is accurate as heck and sums up why I stopped playing Neeko for Zyra. Essentially same champ, but I can choose where my ult goes, and more sustain damage with plants
    (Role, support)

  2. Okay but the amount of times I've disguised myself as a low hp companion (or someone who's dead for that matter) and i've gotten people flashing to my face to throw a q where I can slam the whole kit on them, it's hilarious. I think the longer the game gets the more tired people get as well and they don't really see these kind of things.

  3. I really think she is a perfect balance in a champion, i literally used her in every single role with different keystones and she literally worked, it depends on the player how good or how bad its the result (I played top neeko with chemtank, Jg neeko, mid neeko, adc neeko with Kraken, and neeko supp with everfrost)

  4. Personally, I think a great buff to Neeko would be to make her E function similar to Ivern Q. If she lands it, she could pull herself in to whomever she rooted. Normally this would be a death sentence, but when she has ultimate, it's a reliable engage for her super ultimate that is directly tied to her skill as a player via her ability to land the skillshot. Considering how slow and short-ranged her E is, it'd also be a relatively balanced engage since there would be plenty of room to just…dodge it.

    As for her passive, I think Neeko would benefit a lot from being able to fake abilities with her W. Like perhaps if she could set a clone in a particular space for a prolonged period of time and fake an ability based on range, at whomever enters that effective range.

  5. Neeko is one of those champs who are amazing on ARAM (with the snowball), but they really need that kind of gap closing help to reach their full potential so they fall a bit flat on the rift.

    Would love to see riot trade out her 3rd auto burst for something more suited to her theme and more useful to her kit (whether a dash or a way to amp up the chameleon mind games)

  6. Yea I agree she is very confusing. She is good at poke with her q and root. Her ultimate is the most confusing though. It's so big and deals big damage but you'd have to all in without much guarantee that you'd live. The more confusing is how low of a cooldown her ult is. What and how do you use it if it's so low on cooldown, do you use this to farm minions like Lux and Ezreal ults?

  7. she's a good pick in ARAM. always use snowball as one of your summoner spells. go full AP, hit an enemy with snowball, activate ult then dash to the marked enemy and boom!

  8. hi coming back later to watxh again & say Neeko is so fun but her ult is too risky for the most part. her stun isnt what shes for but its really short unless you get those minions which i guess is cool but makes it situational and hard to combo with ult. and i think her passive should be able to take more damage

  9. Shapesplitter is really good for mind games, and can turn pretty much any earlygame gank against you into a sure escape. Shapeshift is incredibly good for zoning, eg. pretending to be the fed jungler and running around in warded bushes while your team is doing baron. You can pretend to be an AD champ by lasthitting a minion with your third stack of W passive. You get a speedboost from your W third stack, which is incredibly useful in many catch and/or escape situations.

    Also, think about which champs you shapeshift into. Some champions are incompatible in the sense that you don't get their vital passive and because of that you are instantly seen through.

    Despite all of this, she is still incredibly balanced because of the difficulty to actually play her on a competent level.

  10. 85% is dissing her teamfight capabilities, as neeko, you mimic a teamate with low hp, get somebody to start chasing you and land your skills when they get close. finish with a pop blossom and they are dead

  11. My gf is a Neeko OTP and she does very well, ult is very telegraphed but most people don’t know how to move away from it so it works, but she also knows that mimic never works unless the opponents are really bad at the game

  12. I will disagree with anyone who says Neeko's passive is useless, but I'll also disagree with anyone who says it's good too. Even a broken fork can be used for something.
    I'm a Neeko main with nearly 500k mastery points on her, and when she came out I one tricked her for months, a bit over a year and a half actually. And honestly, I think she needs a bit of a rework on her passive and W. Maybe give her a recast on her W that lets Neeko swap places with her shape splitter. That would help her with gap closing and mobility.

  13. I found Neekos ultimate being good when you are fighting Yasuo. He tried multiple times to attack me, so I ulted. He tried to kill us in those two seconds, but he retreated too late and got killed. It also protects my teammates. She is also good against leona, since she will try to jump on you for her adc, but ulting makes it hard for her to do that.

  14. Neeko ideas I didn't fully watch the video but here's what I have so far while watching:
    Let Neeko control her clone to make it more natural like LeBlanc's clone and Shaco's clone.
    Make Neeko's clone a little more durable so it makes it feel like it's her.
    Give Neeko a movement speed buff that decays when she's charging up Pop Burst.
    Make Tanglebarbs longer but less root duration time.

  15. I use to main neeko, she got me back into league, she is very hit or miss it's either people don't know how to play against her and face roll them I'm taking like 20 plus kill games easy or they know your terrible range, the ult is so hard to hit even if your sneaky with it takes so long even if they don't notice till last second it's a easy flash. I love the champion alot very fun to play but the range is so bad and the ultimate time is so bad and she's so squishy when mages who deal the same damage can play so much more safe.

  16. As a Neeko main.. comonn soo adorable and really powefull if u get feeded what easy happens because of u E aand Q (+ Annoying people is so fun and tricking them)

  17. Passive should definitely give you said champions passive.

    While your W when actived give you a clone that's uncontrollable that has said champs entire kit going in full combo dealing half ratios and base damage, and half base effect durations.

  18. Ok, now everyone is neeko otp and she is "balanced" lol. Any other champion is broken, cause she dont have any good matchup, assassin fuck her, burst mages can explode her, control mages didnt give chance to get close. So what, she wins if you "know how to use her" and you get kills early and finish the whitin 18 minutes in a enemy ff? She is not balanced she is too weak, even Azir wins a matchup against neeko and he is the worst champion in the game, she dont do any damage on tank, cant play side vs irelia or anything, against kass she need win the game whitin 15 minutes or less, cause if he knows how to Build is over, lux need to shot one Q on her and is over, she cant get closer enough, zoe same, zed ults and bye bye neekos burst, xerath (range), syndra (range and burst), viktor (range, burst and fucking laser) yasuo (haha wall). I was a main neeko and got Master 150 pdl, and i gave up on her cause she cant win if her enemy has 5 QI and have a keyboard and dont get me wrong, she is my higher mastery with 350k, i Love her soooo much, but i gave up playing this game with her. I agree with everything on the vídeo, i guess if we can control the clone will be a great chance, some numbers for her scaling will be good too cause her late game sucks and she need built like protobelt, and run out of mana, morello, cause everything on the game has heal, zhonyas to be alive, and this 3 itens does not do a loot of damage, not enough for neeko. And if anyone complains about it, type today op.gg and looks for her, you will see a very sad RIP on her icon 🙁

  19. "There's no one capable of doing a ranged burst, and a melee burst" Yeah, about that… i'd like to show you one of the most hated toplaners, Jayce.


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