Why NO ONE Plays: Rek'Sai | League of Legends

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Welcome back to another Why NO ONE Plays episode! Today we’ll be featuring Rek’Sai: The Void Burrower!

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42 thoughts on “Why NO ONE Plays: Rek'Sai | League of Legends”

  1. can we talk about twitch next? i dont think he's totally unpopular, but hes not the most popular carry either. just wanna know how you see him, and what your thoughts are.

  2. As a S6-S10 Rek’sai player, I fucking miss old Rek’sai. The global pressure was just something you cannot discount, it not only made her a great champ but it was so satisfying to learn and develop the knowledge instead of face rolling my keyboard to one shot somebody. Honestly a tragedy what riot did to my girl :’(

  3. Hey, reksai main here. (Loved the vid)

    So, she has quite the amount of…clunky features, of wich id love to see some changes. Just as a start:
    -Her passive is like actually useless, most DoT abilities in the game apply g.wounds nowadays, so, yeah. Aint even good during early clears since you need like 3 seconds of not doing damage to your camps (seconds that will rob you of some precious tempo to get into the first ganks)

    -Her ult always ends with you in unborrowed form. So, IF you execute your target, u may have about 0.4 seconds to leave the scene, before your own 6-legged ass becomes a target for the rest of the enemy team (reksai isnt an reset or multi-kill assasin, she has about 12 to 6 seconds of cd in between killcombos), BUT FIRST you have to wait to end your ult animation, THEN cast w to burrow, AND ONLY AFTER THAT, you can cast e to start your slow-ass dash animation

    -Her maxing ability order puts her in a lose/lose situation. She can either max e first, (wich was a pretty good option back when rushing tiamat and clearing big camps was a 5 second deal (no longer an option since she needs prowlers lethality and active to stay toe-to-toe with the new defensive mithycs)) and get 5 kills and a drag in 7 minutes or lose the game, since she is gonna get outpaced by her enemy jungler clearing-speed. Or she can max w, wich will make her tunnels have A +22 SECONDS CD and a lovely 8 SECONDS OF RE-USE CD + losing part of her combo damage, since her q missile cant be used pre-engage (you depend on your rune's out of combat ms to actually get under your enemy to use the knockup) and is actually pretty slow and predictable at long ranges after ending said combo

    She is a very strong champ by her own merits. But i would totally take some across the board damage nerfs to get some quality of lige changes. She is in my opinion one of the most fun and interesting jungle desings in the history of lol and would love to get some adjustments to get some people to try her without feeling like they depend on a point and click dash for her kit to start making sense

  4. Irelia is not a diver, she's more like a skirmisher like Viego rather. Specially with her Shieldbow/Bork build.

    And Rek'sai is no diver, you spent the entire video saying that she's a diver but lacks certain diver qualities and that she's more burst oriented. Well that's because she isn't a diver contrary to what Riot would say in her description on the wiki. Her rework wasn't big enough to give her all the tools to become one.

  5. Rek'sai is the classic case of a botched rework, why play her and have every game feast or famine if you can just learn Kayne who fits into every team and will be broken forever due to his basic design being insane.

  6. I played old recently sai and a sol I am aways liking the funky champs her rework ruined her for me she just feels like combination of the two Kayn forms to me .And I think the reason they reworked her wasn't bcs she was bad in solo queue but bcs her design in of itself was broken for competitive play and unless you nerfed her to oblivion she was going to remain queen of the jg in pro play without a rework

  7. When i started playing lol, i was really hyped about her. I saw the spotlight, and i really wanted to lvl7 her. Than i finnaly got her, and when i went my first match with her, that was the time i realised she has a completelly different ult. It felt so akward to me, since that game i havent played her more than 5 times

  8. Migth be an unpopular opinion here, but I think Rek'sai's lack of good teamfighting should stay as is.

    Her early game is rivaled only by several champions, and none of them have as much tempo as she does. She can invade, skurmish, duel, gank from unwarded angles (also repeat ganks if the laner decides to stand on her tunnel to remove it), clear fast and on top of this all, she's got great map mobility. Not every champion needs to be good in a 5v5 situation, and I think Rek'sai is one of them, because she can close out the game before teamfights can occur.

    I think the 2 main reasons for her low playrate are:
    1. Her burrowed lack of vision. It's difficult for someone new to the champ to rely not on conventional vision, but the circle indicators, since they aren't as precise.
    2. When you're new to the champ and don't know how to close out games, yeah, that lack of good teamfighting will feel quite unpleasant

  9. New Rek'Sai has much closer theme to the lore and atmosphere of the champion – she's a savage land-shark that emerges and devours someone. It's a diver/assasin archetype. While her transition to diver's from tanks wasn't smooth, it's the right thing to do because Jaws is not "a beefy punching bag that's distracting in fight" – it's a murder-machine.
    I'd say better fix to her would be to rework her whole hunting pattern – her R much more suits her basic kit to be a quality engage tool to burst someone and then E away (like most assasins and some divers can do). Similar to Nidalee, Rek'Sai hitting her Q would be a signal for her to engage and one-shot someone, much like thematically such land-shark would do when sensing someone.

  10. hard disagree reksai is victim of jg changes and meta. that and most ppl building assassin is a mistake. reksai for me and my experince is better at setting up kills for your team and engaging fights with a bruiser build.


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