Why NO ONE Plays: Rell | League of Legends

Ordinarily for Why NO ONE Plays, I don’t cover champions unless they have an extensive history and/or lifespan as it’s too soon to tell if a new champion is popular or not. But I made an exception for this episode because Rell had a noticeably worse initial launch than any of her fellow contemporaries. So today’s episode will be featuring Rell: The Iron Maiden!

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#Rell #LoL #WhyNoOnePlays


21 thoughts on “Why NO ONE Plays: Rell | League of Legends”

  1. She was advertised to be "the tankiest tank", and then she doesn't even do that. She just has too much that is shared with her team to be able to do so. Her e shares armor, and her q shares healing. Her w gives her armor and a shield, true, but it's not very much, and it's at a time where theoretically the entire enemy team is cc'd and unable to act.

    Let us compare her to Taric, another support tank with a similar gimmick. Taric, while only armor instead of both armor and mr, is pretty comparable. He has a shorter duration aoe stun, but can can change where it goes up until the point where it finishes casting. His q provides a heal, and his w a shield, just like Rell, but his are both lower cooldown and both get applied to allies compared to which Rell only gives the heal to one target. Finally, his ult makes his entire team invincible for a long duration, while Rell only gets a knockup and a slight pull effect. Taric cannot engage, true, but it also means he can't put himself into a bad position while looking for picks as easily, and he is much better at following an engage than Rell is.

  2. Passive: good sustain at the cost of awkward autos
    Q: bad damage, bad healing, painfully slow
    W: actually good but the tank form is SO damn slow that you often feel powerless after transforming
    E: 0,25 second channel for a 0,5 second stun… yeah…
    R: mild displacement after innitial cast. Gently slows enemies that try to move away.

    Overall Rell has 2 abilities that are fun to use: mount up and crash down and they share a cooldown. She could be overtuned as hell and still be boring. No wonder she isn't popular.

  3. Playing Rell feels like playing a mixture of Braum and Taric.
    You can do so many setups for you team and great CC plays/picks just for you team realize "Oh yeah you can do that, it's a shame I didn't follow up" and it's so frustrating. Without a duo she feels really unnecessary.

  4. Given attract and repel a movespeed buff towards each huh… feels like I've heard that before. But seriously if that's something that actually gets add I'm gonna be so mad, not enough that Riot bastardised Mordekaiser with the rework but how many abilities and concepts do they have to take from the old kit to put into new champs?

    On to Rell though, I did play quite a bit of her with a buddy and she felt good to play but at the same time lacking. To me it's a case of I like the concept but the execution is lacklustre. Take the passive for example, it's pretty cool gain more tank stats for each enemy you attack but because of her slow attack speed and slow movespeed after going in, she doesn't synergise well with it which is bizarre. I really think she'd be so much more interesting if she wasn't a support, her W is so interesting yet the rest of her abilities are kind of boring or just bland. She really could've been a breath of fresh air to the… morphing? Shapeshifter? whatever they're called role since all of the are either short-range mode or long-range mode, could've been cool to have one based on mobility or tanking.

    I would've quite like it if she fit a sort of middle ground being like a shapeshifter version of Kled, but obviously you get the choice to mount up and dismount.

  5. She has dmg potential. If your team don t follow or if enemy survives you engage you can just wait for ff. The self disabilities she has have 0 trade of. Other champion have 3 effects on one spell, she, she gets a self slow cool -_-

  6. theres also the fact that ther stuns are really esay to see comming the animations are long and clonky in comperson to theres leona nautlius and blitz yerh she can see a hole team but if you have eyes it super ez to either move away or flash it like if you could do the the flash like u can whit shens e theres a chance she could do more

  7. Ill give you a list of the problems in a nuttshell:
    1. The worst one, you need a competent player, someone that follows ups or to be 100% comunicating to be linked to you.
    2. Unlike Taric, her link breaks when you or your companion are far enough and you have to recast it on a valid target and leaves it on CD, which leads to a lot of very ankward situations.
    3. The healing on the Q its a filler after thought and can be easily removed or replaced with ANYTHING ELSE that could potentically help her. It doesnt help that the range of that Q its awful.
    4. Her engage its great but she becomes a brick if you miss or the enemy scapes (which its not that hard to do now days). Also, its as predictable and slow as a DBZ filler fight, its surprisingly easy to scape from it if you have a decent reaction time.
    5. Her Ult CC its the most underwhelming flashy ult of them all. The displacement its nice ill give it that but i would rather have a stun or a grounded effect.
    6. She actually has abysmal damage at all stages of the game, even for a tank support.

  8. People should stop engaging with her w. Her w should be for lockdown against escaping enemies or to escape herself. Just buy a mythic to help engage.
    A small but good buff is one step from making her broken.


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