Why NO ONE Plays: Taliyah | League of Legends

Today’s episode of Why NO ONE Plays features Taliyah: The Stoneweaver!

Also I’m aware of the video frame skipping in certain parts. It has to do with OBS’s media encoding so I’ll tinker around with it to make sure the next one is perfect 😀

~If you want to skip the disclaimer part~
(0:00) – Introduction
(0:43) – Skip the disclaimer

Why NO ONE Plays Playlist: https://bit.ly/30DIeJF
Why EVERYONE Plays Playlist: https://bit.ly/2PzboTF

~Editor (Aphrow)~
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Graphics provided by: https://tofugraphics.carbonmade.com/

#Taliyah #LoL #WhyNoOnePlays


33 thoughts on “Why NO ONE Plays: Taliyah | League of Legends”

  1. A Taliyah main here, soo I actually play her mid and last season I got to plat with her and this season my peak was Plat 1. If you can win early game, which is easy against many mages you can just gank botlane easily at lvl 6 or even earlier which is so op the adc often gets 2 kills and yeah. I think that worked ground isn't such a big problem you can cast enough q's in a teamfight if you walk a bit around or if the teamfight moves which is often the case. Another problem that you talked about are tanks and building liandrys is so good against them.

  2. I honestly hate the disclaimer at the beginning of every video. If someone makes a video like this and you feel personally attacked by it youre an idiot and should be personally attacked until you realize how stupid you are. Im not usually so harsh but imaginary outrage is the most obnoxious thing to me

  3. I think they could “rework” worked ground for a more clean gameplay by making it a little larger from 450 units, to about 500, but making it non-stackable, so your next Q would delete the last worked ground to make a new one. So you could still maintain this “minigame” aspect in her kit while making her gameplay feel less restrictive.

    I personally really like the design of Worked ground, I find it challenging and it also adds a layer of mastery and interaction between the player and the champion. I personally to use Worked ground on Taliyah mid to stack Tear of The Goddess and Mana-flow band for a 1 mana cost, very cost efficient I would say. But I think that the restrictive aspect of this mechanic is what makes Taliyah unpopular.

    There are other restrictive mechanics in the game, like Yasuo’s E Cooldown per Target, but it doesn’t decrease the damage or basically incapacitates your whole champion, it just makes it less obnoxious by not letting you spam it 45729 times in the enemy ADC who’s typing “jungle diff” every 2 minutes even though he’s 0/11. These are just my thoughts.

    I’ve discovered you channel and started watching your content very recently. Sorry for being 4 months late 😞

  4. pro play killed the champ pretty hard cause the reason why she got gutted was because she had a high pick and ban rate in pro play even though she was barely played in solo q, though the current iteration of dark harvest and everfrost when im playing her support has made me come back to her as a pocket pick

  5. "The only displacement tool in the game where you can actually decide what direction to knock enemies towards"
    sad gragas ult noises

    That aside. I find Taliyah a blast to play. And especially in lane, the 1-pebble-for-1-mana is occasionally actually a blessing. It's basically an on-demand caitlyn headshot, but in skilshot form. (So basically a Caitlyn E but a tiny cooldown to trade off the lack of a dash). And it's the wide variety of uses that makes her such a blast. Many other champs are very one-dimensional; your gameplay mostly looks or feels the same. Something like AD shaco; while his stealth is fun and all, 95% of your games, you just repeat the same things/plays. Taliyah does not suffer this issue; almost every game feels different, because all of her abilities are situation and matchup dependant. Like back to shaco; the way I use my Q and my E are mostly the same, regardless of who the enemy is. With taliyah, my W and E uses are completely different if a face a yasuo vs if I face a lux. Even her Q, the most straight-forward/simple to use ability in her kit, can differ in use depending on matchup.

  6. Your editing is on point, your thumbnails are great, your audio is crisp, your videos are interesting, the pacing is also good, and your accent is nice

  7. shes SO underrated. i feel like a small part of it might be due to her being a slightly more non-conventional female character, with features such as her thick eyebrows and prominent nose

  8. I wonder how many people spotted her W on cast at 10:05. Or compare the telegraph on casting through brush at 8:21 and 2:22. While I respect people who neglect any difference it makes from these VFX, I still think the majority of the player base would benefit from dodging skillshots with a simpler outlined telegraph in a chaotic teamfight, at least on some level. To me, that sounds like another form of pay to win.


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