Why NO ONE Plays: Xayah and Rakan | League of Legends

40th Episode of Why NO ONE Plays! I decided to make it a joint episode featuring the two lovebirds: Xayah and Rakan!

~If you want to skip the disclaimer part~
(0:00) – Introduction
(0:44) – Why NO ONE Plays: Xayah and Rakan

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#Xayah #Rakan #WhyNoOnePlays


37 thoughts on “Why NO ONE Plays: Xayah and Rakan | League of Legends”

  1. I think they both would need a buff that would make them strong, if they don't have the other champion in their team. But the buff would need to be removed if they are in the team of each other, so that if they only rely on each other if they are on the same team.

  2. I personally love both the champ, they are each my mains, I play a fair bit of Rakan tho, I most play him, and my friends hate it when I play him bc they complain about me not having abilities up in fights bc his cool downs are so long. If I use everything to save someone I catch flak or not being able to turn the fight around when more people show up, that to me is a major defect to Rakan. His utility is very good, but his cool downs are so long it’s unbearable. His squishy nature is also a bit of an issue, so I’ve just started biking turbo chemtank into pure tank, and it works very well I’ve found, I tend to do better than I would with battle song, but that may be just me 🙂

  3. 11:36
    As a Rakan primary main and Xayah secondary, I would like to note that even if Rakan cannot W or Flash after R he still can engage out of screen as quick as he could before because his E doesn't get that nerf. Of course it is riskier for Rakan since he needs to R way earlier and can miss the combo much easier but it is still somewhat there.

    The old combo would be: E R Flash W and E for disengage if needed
    and the new now is: R E Flash W and E for disengage if needed

    All that assuming he is the second engage, so he can use E first, else he is much weaker since he needs to W R instead of R W which means that he needs to give the opponent a window to escape his W instead of using R to secure it.

  4. I main Xayah and I love her :3 The funny thing about this video is that you can easily setup feathers because most of the people don't care about where your feathers are and just get rooted out of nowhere XD.. but i loved the video 🙂

  5. i feel like the only way to fix this "problem" is to get rid of that synergie passive and let there abilities themselves synergies in good way like how you would do an combo on gragas or any other champ but then with 2 champs. This will probably make the skill gap way higher for xayah and rakan

  6. Maybe an anti-synergy system would work. If Xayah/Rakan are on the same team but one is dead they get a "heartbroken" debuff. Less attackspeed for Xayah, reduced jump range for Rakan, or something to that effect. This would allow both champions to exist without each other on the rift, yet be more powerful as a duo. The counterplay is simple, kill one and the other looses some power.

  7. Xayah is the biggest dmg champion in the game. She can do over 4k dps full build when many others cant reach 2k. But she has no mobility and only ult for defense. Root for melee but still fragile. Rakan is high mobility so i think its bad pair.

  8. Aw man.. as a Rakan main- this hurt my soul ;u; i cri- though… i dont blame people for not playing neither of them i guess? i just find Rakan easy and chill to play as 🙂

  9. On their own Xayah is better because she can carry on her own, while Rakan needs more help from his teammates to follow up on his engages. Personally I enjoy playing Rakan when adc is Xayah(and I pick Rakan only when adc is Xayah😅) because I always but always do well and win almost everytime

  10. They honestly just need cooldown fixes and rakan should have his old ult w combo back, riot seems to be doing the cooldowns for xayah(thankgod so she playable alone again and was and is the better of the two alone more so now with her ult cooldown being buffed)

  11. idk man, i started xayah after i mainned kaisa and tried trist mF for fair amount of time. Imo xayah is always strong due to her kit unless she gets buffed heavily. Her W is pretty similar to Kaisa Q except for a pointclick ability and also not burst, but the fact that she has a cc, and her QE can be even used as a long range poke, makes her pretty good with any engage sup, infact a better kaisa in many cases apart from like ( blitz pyke naut)

  12. I got my first penta on normals with a Xayah, it was like my less than 10th game on Xayah, with a Rakan and i had insane kills and a very nice kda. Unfortunate other than sup most of my teammates were average and just started araming it assuming they win every fight so kaisa too got a bit fed. One of their fight was already started and by the time i reached almost every one was dead or less than 20 percent hp on my team. The ult into E gave me an instant triple kill and it was pretty easy to kill the opponent ivern. However kaisa was untouched or maybe lifestealt to full , and killed me with heal but, i had GA, and to my surprise she just stayed there to give me the penta

  13. Love them both. Rakan was my first champ that just clicked, first M7, and Xayah's feather mechanic is so fun and rewarding to execute. All they need are passives when single to balance it out. Say Rakan gets a slight movement speed/ cdr buff or his E gains a happy medium distance and Xayah gets longer attack range or a shorter ult cd. Either that or they were given a "lover's comfort" bonus like in Skyrim lol, and all healing items are 5% more effective or gain cdr or some other flavor sauce involving their gifted feathered amulets (I do hear vastayan feathers are a kingly gift).

    That, and call me soft, idc, but Rakan's cheerful attitude is a pick me up and Xayah's "thank you" to everyone shielding her is just the best in game sportsmanship interaction. She'll even say thank you to Shen, which if you know the lore you know.

  14. To be fair, love conquers all. This sounds like a perfect team but like Romeo and Juliet, the world could not accept their love, thus, it is spurned and rejected…

    A Shakespearian tragedy!]:{

  15. i love both of the champions, even separately, hell ive been using an icon of them for years lol. Im not very experienced when it comes to game design, so sorry if my opinions are not as well informed, but i honestly think they just need to rebuild their skills with them playing solo in mind as in no added effects when together. i say this as a hopeless romantic who LOVES the idea of how they play right now, but it does effect how they are gonna be nerfed as it already has. if theyre too strong, people are always gonna pick/ban them, if theyre too weak like they are now, they are gonna get ignored. it sucks, it really does cause like, what can you do? i know no one cares about the mode, but Xayah in ARAM is a beast since its one lane and its easy to funnel everyone and place them were you want them lol

  16. eh, still have the idea that xayah is underplayed because of the current items. IE got nerfed hard, and xayah scales well with crit damage. Im telling ya, if riot buffs crit damage again, xayah will gain some popularity again.


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