Why NO ONE Plays: Zyra | League of Legends

Welcome back to another Why NO ONE Plays episode! This time with 100% less disclaimer 😀 Today we feature Zyra: Rise of the Thorns!

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#Zyra #LoL #WhyNoOnePlays


39 thoughts on “Why NO ONE Plays: Zyra | League of Legends”

  1. Building imperial mandade+Demonic or Horizon focus costs a bit in the middle at 5,500- it gets the ball rolling a bit more+ her plants get bonus damage from horizon and she can mark a full team with her ult, q, or e if she positions well+ mandade gives you ap for its mythic bonus.

  2. Plat OTP 1 milion maestry Zyra here, don't you dare say that she pairs well with ezreals.
    If I'd have to improve on anything it would be to remove the dumb RNG placement of the passive or make it have waaaay less CD and to buff her plants Hp. You don't understand the frustration it generates to see your passive putting plants in completely useless spots, as a result having to use Q and W to poke with a plant just for the plants being instadeleted by "empowered attacks". Just try to play against irelia 🙂

  3. Why not giveing her W the ability to target an ally an call that "symbiosis" so your damage would heal that targeted ally. A other idea would be like kalistas passiv. You can buy a "thorn" in shop so you can connect to that ally. Would be fun I think. You might have to cut a little damage but I think that would make her more appealing to a lot of people. Healing would not give her the most utility but it is like a behinde nida who builds ardent to be usefull in a way.

  4. I think it would be interesting if her Q/E always spawned a plant if it hit an enemy champion, or if she could put seeds in a brush and have them spawn into plants when an enemy gets closed, spawning whichever plant based on what she cast before it, Q or E. That way you could put seeds down to spawn into lashers in brush near you to slow down people trying to hide and gank you, or to give more area coverage if youre trying to do baron by having a spitter spawn as enemies approach. Plant damage would have to be lower but idk just some fun ideas

  5. The last paragraph is pretty much a TL;DR

    Zyra may have less range than other mages and the shortest lockdown among catchers, but I think you're focusing too much on the mid-late game when you talk about her E. You mentioned that she can root an indefinite amount of targets, but only considered the teamfighting implications and ignored the laning phase ones – the most important one IMO being that she's the only catcther able to unconditionally apply hard CC from behind an entire minion wave. Jhin needs to apply his W's passive first, which is not very hard, but doesn't allow him to randomly root someone in neutral. If anything, the one condition Zyra has on her E makes the ability even stronger when met rather than overall weak when ignored. It's true that she's not as effective from behind, but while I don't play her, I think her kit allows her to get an early lead much easier than other damaged-oriented supports except for Brand, Pantheon, and maybe Shaco – when used correctly, that is, which is admittedly harder than with Brand and just as difficult, if not more than, with the other two.

    In other words, while the awkwardness of her passive seems like a reasonable explanation as to why she's not played much in mid-high elo, the strong ability to cheese lane compensates for her late game problems and is likely the reason why you see her so often in low elo instead, where people don't know how to punish her mistakes. On the other hand, I think I've only ever seen one Illaoi in low elo despite her being pretty much Zyra's bruiser equivalent, probably due to how little she offers in the early game in comparison.

    Sorry if I made this comment longer than I should have, but the point I've been trying to get across is that her stronger focus on the early-mid game is IMO not one of the reasons why she's not very popular – if anything, with the current meta, it's one of the reasons why people like to play her

  6. I'll probably add a shield or heal to her E, like senna with her Q. Or, faster rooting on the E. It takes an eternity for e to reach the enemy and it feels uncomfortable casting it ( at least for me)

  7. Carry support are midlaners afraid to lane alone

    Like if you want to be the protagonist go ahead and play mid but don't just mess up my lane and farm then type adc useless when we're loosing

  8. In my elo where my adc dies 5000 times and me being a Sona or soraka who can't do anything to stop my tower from dying had enough win botlane Everytime adc suck ass no problem brand and zyra excist thank the gods

  9. When I started playing league, my main 3 champions were Shyvana, Tristana, and Zyra. What would I change? I would make her plants target champions who have been hit by your abilities, at least do that for her super plants inside her ult. Plenty of champions have this type of mechanic already. But Zyra has to deal with her damage sources randomly spawning all over and then when they’re active they randomly decide to target that caster minion that wasn’t even in the way. Also her ult could be made into something like Elise’s repel. When she casts ult, Zyra can go into the viney circle and reappear out of any of her seeds or active plants

  10. I think they could slightly buff her base health and armor and maybe make the cast times on her E and R better and it would solve some of her issues. They could also take the Morgana route and make her abilities or plants deal extra damage to jungle creeps so she'd be a strong jungler instead of being forced into the support role. She feels way too squishy/clunky for how immobile she is. Very strong champion but her main weakness is matchups midlane and naturally pushing the lane/accidentally taking CS bot lane. I think jungle would be a great spot for her since she's great at taking neutral objectives and she has good CC and damage for ganks early.

  11. I mean, I do like her, she's def' lacking in reposition/survivability once an assassin or such tries to go in on you, so she is quite slow to build items on, because Zhonyas is often a must 2nd item. But I don't really find her in need of buffs, though fair warning, I also play a lot of Lux and Morgana botlane, and she is quite similar to them, but instead of "bursts" you often try to go for more poke, as your q isn't crazy expensive in terms of mana, and you can use your plants to "block" engages, like Nauts, blitzs and thresh's hook, as they'll grab the minion before her/the adc.

    So in that sense she is a bit more control mage than the other two, and that's just something I would say you need to play around. She's def' my top-go-to support.

  12. make her seeds target only champs or only minions on command and watch her get OP.
    You lose an incredible amount of dmg due to the stupidity of your plants, even in teamfights if a wave happens to be around.

  13. Huh – interesting.
    Maybe it is because I am in low elo, however, I think she is one of the best supports out there. She has so much zoning control, and is way easier to root with than Lux and Morgana (imo) – while doing damage if her plants are activated. Even if you don't hit the E, must champions has to back off because of the damage from a random plant.

    Often playing with new adc's (I am actually an adc main myself), I can help setup a freeze and zone the enemy, so that the adc can fully concentrate on cs-ing. I can also set up plants and activated them and go help the jungler, while still having pressure in bot.

    Sure, you can die a lot on her, however, it is often an exchange, where your carry or jngl get 1-2 kills, so that is often fine, imo.

    I don't find her super immobile, but maybe that is because I am used to the adc champions.

    Ofc, you really do need to play hyper focused, as you are squishy and the only defence you adc has.

  14. I have a few points to do as a main zyra.
    You must play neutral to annoy the enemy team, you should only go agressive or all in on pick offs or their them engage against yours, you press R and all the engage force is teared apart xD.
    But yeah, she has a lot of flaws.
    For instance, we buy rylay because that makes her Q plant proc slow at long distances. The problem is, her E seed already has a slow, so when you buy Rylay you basically should NEVER use her E plant, it attacks slower, has super short range and the only plus it is that it has a slow.
    My ideia to fix this is to her passiva to be a dual passive, and the second passive to be something similar to Syndra, Every time you level up your Q, W, E and R the plant receive some tipe of bonus, her W could make her passive go off more often (and remain the increased health, they could however remove the bullshit that meele champions can one hit ko them, make it 3 hits), her Q could further increase the range of itself and on level 5 it would decrease enemies magic resist by 30%, her E plant could apply slow and a weak poison for 2 seconds (5, 10, 15, 30, 50 + 0.1% max hp (+0.1% every 100ap) , but if the enemy was affected by any other source of slow, it would double the strenght of the poison and its duration. On max level, make the slow condition triple the poison damage and enemies that hit the plant will receive 10% of the poison damage per hit.that would make her late game E seed not so useless and give her individuality, and also a choice of either punish those who doesnt respect her E or poke from very far away. Make her R increase her basic abilities functions, for instance, making her W a new passive, enemies takedown will grow (1, 2, 3) plants of the last type that has hit said champion. It would also buff her plants, but only the ones that are inside her R (such it is nowadays)
    I know that would make her too overtuned, to solve this, nerf the damage of hers basic abilities.
    All of that would make her less dependant on items, but rather, make the items complement her kit.

  15. The thing that i hate about her is that you are like a free bank for the enemy team if they are ranged….always killing my plants and take some nice lunch money back to the fountain. oh, and lets not forget about how almost useless the ult is…hard to cast it and hardly doing anything….and obviosly the long casting time of E and R that just makes a free target out of you. I like the idea of Zyra, but i thing the plants should not give money to the enemy team…the ult should do damage and cast fester. You cant even compare her ult with a Senna ult, Lux ult, Karma ult, even Yuumi has a more exciting ult that this sad flower…

  16. Instead of auto activating w seeds, I'd give her a whole different plant. Have the w seeds turn into little walking sprouts that shoot like malz voidlings. Let her passive seeds be the ones affected by q and e. That way she has the option for a stationary or mobile fight.

  17. I think Zyra is a really nice and underrated poket pick. She is the perfect tank shred who reacts on enemy engages. All those champions who want to run up to your team like Juggernauts or divers can be easily contained. She does perfect if your team lacks the dps or if you want to give some more diversity to it (AP).
    Her downsides are beside of proper positioning: item costs and she can't be played into too many matches where you find more than one assassin or heavy poke.
    Like I said before she might not be suitable for many matches, but for those she does, she might be the best.
    Think of her as brand on steroids.

  18. I feel like her pros outweigh her cons. I love playing her. Strongest part of her is her incredible area control, long range plant poke and huge team fight potential. I can nearly one shot entire teams with one rotation of abilities and then wait for my team to finish them off. I love using her ultimate as a disengage measure to fighters and tanks. Generally they seek specific moments to strike and if you have good reactions you can counter them or buy your team enough time to survive the initial attempt and pull the uno reverse card on them. Also if you can read the enemy actions you never get hit by hooks or skillshots because you just block them with plants. One thing that frustrates me when i play her is how easily her plants can be destroyed by area abilities. One last thing i like to do is set off enemy traps, shrooms and boxes with my plants to make them suffer{insert demon teemo laugh 😈}

  19. What is this disclaimer? This is the first Why No One Plays I watched and honestly I just feel like this video is not really true.
    In gold I see enough Zyra.
    Heck, I play Zyra from time to time.
    Her problem is indeed that she has no protection for herself.
    I don't agree that the seeds needing manual triggering is the problem. If the enemy walks up to pop them just trigger them. Another perk is that placing the seeds gives a bit of vision.
    I would not like her on support as I see her more as a midlaner but the midlane has changed too much for her to be viable there, along with other mages, so they go to support. That is more of a problem with the game direction gather than the champions. The item changes have fucked mages up the ass so goddamned hard they have stopped being viable in the midlane for the most part. You need at least 2 to 3 (non boots) items to reach a proper power spike where a Yasuo or Yone only needs AS boots and cringebow.


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