Why Players Are Upset – Outriders

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Outriders REVIEW
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Satire is the best comedy


30 thoughts on “Why Players Are Upset – Outriders”

  1. You always stating facts right from the intro I love it my Twitter got banned for 12 hours from me talking shit and it was just because that shits sickening

  2. I was level 24 and my data got wiped no games should be forgiven for such a crime especially a looter shooter now I’m sitting here waiting for another PS4 because my Console exploded ( basically ).

  3. I'll be honest since you get the same experience on any world tier, I played all alts on world tier 1 and blitzed to get back to endgame. If I wasn't level 30 I just kept doing expedition tier 1 to level. I never felt like playing the story part of the game again especially at higher world tiers. Some part of the story just doesn't feel good to play at the highest world tier like I did the first time. Great video as always and while I didn't respond to all the questions just know it's cause I want to get back to playing the game lol.

  4. Live service games should make you feel like you'd wanna make multiple characters and go through the story over and over again. This game isn't a live service game at all and the devs as of right now don't even have any dlc announced for the game. It's a get what you see type of game

  5. Well, I did expect problems at launch, because it takes way more people to make a game than to cut someone's hair. That said, I didn't expect this many problems for this long.

  6. People paid $60 to rent a game, thanks to the always online requirement. Server has issues, you can't play the game you paid for. No offline mode. And the knee-jerk nerf in about a week in, gave me another reason why I was glad to skip out on it. It has potential, but we're tired of hearing that, right? Can't forget the loading screens & lazy story writing. You, as the consumer, deserve more. Not a broken, lack luster product that is overpriced at $60 and isn't even in your ownership, crashing and leaving you to not have access for said product. People need to have some self respect, and realize this isn't how its suppose to be. You deserve better

  7. Not gonna lie I dont always agree with you but your opening lines say it all. Finish the game before you release it. If you bought a car and the brakes just didnt work 25% of the time you would have some bigger issues. You could love the car but wouldnt feel safe driving it. I love the game but it needs some serious work

  8. The defense committee for Outriders are down with the wrong kind of foolishness.. lmao

    All because the devs have been, "transparent," on social media.. sure, the approach is definitely appreciated, but the fact that you can crack jokes and occasionally let us know what you're planning to do to fix your broken game doesn't change the fact that YOU SOLD US A BROKEN GAME

    get outta here with that

  9. I can always turn the game off an come back later. Ain't saying I ain't mad about the hiccups but you can't check on that bad haircut to hope it's suddenly "as you expected".

    May as well cut your own hair and take game design classes.


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