why preds dont use trails in pubs by Taxi2g – Apex Legends

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why preds dont use trails in pubs by Taxi2g
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44 thoughts on “why preds dont use trails in pubs by Taxi2g – Apex Legends”

  1. ive done this before. Me and my friends would hop on alts that are in sweat lobbies, and just trail chase, kill them then leave. We managed to come across the same guy twice because he thought he was good doing solo vs. trios

  2. I have a diamomd trail and people do the same thing to me. Idc either way. Stop crying and play the game. They just see you as a threat and they're taking you out as fast as they can.

    Not even that, yall preds like to land at hot spots, so thats pretty much yall fault😂🤦🏾

  3. Been pred since s4, most of my friends are masters/preds and not a single one of us give a fuck if people trail chase. Play the game enough and it's just another day gg go next. Quit whining about something that doesn't really matter just so you can flex your shiny dive trail


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