Why SO MANY League Players HATE Seraphine (Design, Kit, Lore) – League of Legends

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0:00 Intro
1:09 Seraphine’s kit
6:56 Champion’s theme
7:57 Seraphine’s Twitter and mental health
9:04 Character in the world of Runeterra
11:23 Seraphine’s Lore
13:22 Conclusion
13:47 Outro

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20 thoughts on “Why SO MANY League Players HATE Seraphine (Design, Kit, Lore) – League of Legends”

  1. It's pretty obvious to everyone that she was only released to build hype up again for KDA in time for the Worlds 2020 Finals… Pretty disgusting move, but I guess they are a business at the end of the day..

  2. You forgot they gave her the best skin… To a new champ, when it's just a small addition to an already well liked group.

    Literally, they could have given it to Ahri and people would have complained less since it was expected. But they should have given it to Eve.

  3. Seraphine is not a champion, she is a skin. No matter how you look at it the champion design was secondary to what they wanted to do.
    They wanted to release kda again but with a twist, put Ariana grande in there. From the marketing and teasing of the champ to the in game kit, I hate all of hit. That’s not league of legends, her lore makes no sense and she has no place in runetera.

  4. To me riot just want to get more money so they copie already existing champs and abilities just to give is new champs even if they r not interesting or original. Production before quality

  5. Played her and honestly she feels like playing Sona but with more a middlaner focuse than support focused that is pretty much it, theme is same music based, both float, their kits are way to overlapping can't call them same but the similarities are endless they honestly fused sonas w and e into Sera's W they both boost basic attack with casting 3 spells I could go on…. For me honestly Sera came out from someones idea of a rework for Sona.


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