Why Teemo will NEVER be BALANCED | League of Legends

In this video I talk about game balance around teemo, why league players hate teemo and how I think teemo will never be truly balanced, in his current state without a rework of any scale in league of legends. this video was based on league of legend disucssions with the intent to entertain and provide knowledge (educate)
0:0000:32 teemo intro
00:3200:47 disclaimer
00:488:25 whole video

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my twitter: https://twitter.com/imKrykey


38 thoughts on “Why Teemo will NEVER be BALANCED | League of Legends”

  1. Imo the problem with Teemo is that with Shrooms he is pretty f@/cking good, but without them he's pretty much useless, unless you set up with your E and shrooms well which is hard to do sometimes.

  2. He is useless in teamfights in mid-late game unless you lure the enemy team into your shrooms. He has the same problem as Yorick : good in low elo, bad in high. Even Yorick has more to offer than Teemo

  3. Thats almost scientific, very high quality analisis. It is really astonishing to see such a thing among hundreds of clickbait bullshit videos. Love your work, you were never doing it for the popularity.

  4. I'm a really big fan of this new video format, but I have some suggestions on how to make it better if that is okay. 1. Get a better mic. I know this is kind of an overstated one, but in a video where your voice is the main selling point being able to hear you clearly is crucial to enjoying the video. You could also do a bit of audio editing if you don't think the mic is to blame, but regardless your voice sounds a bit distant in the video. 2. Have a bit more personality! I love the way you talk in your gameplay videos and it's a bit of a shame that you sort of held back in that regard here. I think being a little more casual can really go a long way in helping people to understand your viewpoints, so I would really appreciate it if you just loosened up a bit. Overall though I still really enjoy the new style of video and I hope you continue to improve at it!

  5. Ayy you're talking about my main, i do agree that Teemo is at a shitty place rn, and i believe in giving his w an ap scale, i don't think it will fully help but it is a change, and all the recent rework (include the wild rift one) to his kit i personally dislike, mostly because they change his invisible to camo and it remove the opportunity to do some shenanigans, some of the community also suggest that Teemo's ult should have it power shift to somewhere else on his kit, you could discuss with Soverign Kitten (mod of r/Teemotalk and our discord, as well as creator of a very in-depth guide about Teemo) about Teemo in our discord : https://discord.gg/VXKS8RBZDU .

  6. Teemo is like Shaco, very annoying but shit at teamfights. They can delay enemies by havig them try to take them down and thus they are a special class called anti-carries. Just being terrible at teamfights handicaps their team into a 4v5 and that'what makes these anti carries weak. Unlike Singed who can proxy and waste time, he can have a solid engage and spread aoe in a teamfight while Shaco and Teemo cannot. Teamfights>macro split pushing because of objectives security. This is my observation as a Singed OTP and knowledge from Vars regarding anti-carries.

  7. Yorick and Teemo. Funny but its 2 my favorit champions. And they both will never be balanced.
    And main Teemo's problem – he is not swift anymore. Every new champs have dashes and/or ms buff, so Teemo has no chance to kite them. And every champs without mobility got items with dashes. And they got ghost buff. Darius was one of nonmobile champion, who still could hook Teemo with E (hook has more range then Teemo aa). But Teemo could dodge it with good fake movements. Now Darius can hook Teemo with 850 range and its almost imposible to dodge.
    So, in my opinion, Riots should give Teemo little dash on his W. It will solve some Teemo problems.

  8. I disagree. Some champions neither need to be nor are meant to be effective across various ranks. What was described is balanced; he shits on bad players but is not actually strong.

  9. Dude used my post from reddit! I really appreciate but haha I think I could construct it better if it was to be used in a video. But I really do agree with you that this champ can't be balanced in his current state

  10. this is a dumb reason but i dislike cause I can't quite imagine what a teemo rework would look like, although I love teemo, and I don't want him to change some time i play him even when wining and think he should be rework as long as he keeps his Identity. Just to be clear this isnt from boredom, teemo feel fun and strong but yet out of place at times.

  11. My bud was talking about how they should change his W into a combat roll a few months back, and was losing his mind when he played Wild Rift and they did that to him in that version lol


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