Why Would Respawn DO THIS??? – Season 12 LEAKS Making me MAD – Apex Legends Guide

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21 thoughts on “Why Would Respawn DO THIS??? – Season 12 LEAKS Making me MAD – Apex Legends Guide”

  1. Hey 👋🏼, if you crouch spam the Re-45 is good af, not everyone plays the same so everything is very situational. Hammer point on the RE-45 sounds better than wingman tapping and charge rifle armor farming put together L0l! Who agrees!?

  2. Sadly I agree with these fresh updates keeping the game fresh, flatline will be harder to obtain which is good because guess wat everyone uses it. Volt should be in care package since it has a big magazine. This all makes since, what do u guys except no updates for the next season or something lol. Relying on loot or teamates does not make u a better player in Apex and will slow your growth. Instead of complaining a lot of u should TRY solo Que in Duos, improve your gameplay. see how that goes for u buddies.

  3. In my opinion

    It feels much more refreshing for a massive meta shift would shake up how the game is played and at this point we should expect a season that shakes up the meta before it.

  4. idk why people are so upset over the caustic nerf , its literally just gonna make the game better . They trying to get rid of the camping meta and thats a dub . Now killing teams are actually gonna take skill with your gun and not your abilities . and also for the people that rank up with caustic , they just sad that they wont be able to rank up now because caustic was their crutch lol . Not 1 good player is complaining about this nerf and thats a fact . Stay Mad

  5. I was excited but before the 10th day in this season i stopped playing I’m prolly quitting the game for like the 3rd time tbh they only give a fuck about money instead of making us happy the run was amazing I’m glad I gave the game a chance but I think my patience and pasión about the has ran out like I love the game but it doesn’t motivate me anymore I grinding ranked non stop and this season I hit diamond both splits I was looking forward to growing with the game too lietteraly it’s all I would stream 😂 I’ll see if I don’t quit tho ty for the vid as well ❤️

  6. The Longbow is my go-to sniper and I use it heavily on Wattson. Knowing that I can guarantee it in my kit after initial fights makes me much more willing to play aggro on drop for early, close-quarters KP, rather than looting and ratting for late game.

    Additionally, Maggie's addition to the game is a direct nerf to Gibby and Rampart, and with Caustic also getting nerfs, that leaves Wattson and her pylon as the best counter to Maggie (assuming it destroys her riot drill and wrecking ball).

  7. So fucked up that the volt is in the care package. My favorite gun and the most versatile smg. Now there’s no good energy weapon to pick up off spawn. Lstar is ass, havoc and devotion need a turbo, and triple take is a sniper. Alternator was also amazing in care package cause of disrupter rounds which are too broken for ground loot. Should be the staple smg in the care package and they should have pulled the g7 out.

  8. What a bad, clickbait video. First of all, these are not leaks, are all infos from a Gamespot article. Second, all the weapon changes are fine, they stir up the loot pool and make bad weapons usable, so where is the problem? What a shit channel.

  9. The nerf to Caustic and choice for Maggie's abilities just confirms what I've been thinking for a while. The scan meta is here to stay. The push anything & everything play style is the only one that matters. And anything that requires strategy or smart gameplay will be removed.

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