Why you should NEVER use this Skin in Valorant

In today’s highlight, SicK shows us why he is NOT a fan of the new Valorant skin collection. We also get to follow along as ShahZam and SicK try out the new act for the very first time, testing things such as the newly nerfed classic right-click! What do you think of the new update? Let us know in the comments below!

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#Sentinels #Valorant #NewAct


30 thoughts on “Why you should NEVER use this Skin in Valorant”

  1. question for all : so im 22 and currently silver in valorant and i really wanna take a shot at going pro so is there an ideal age for grinding and improving or is my time over

  2. Question for TenZ & the Team: When u get Affected or Mad will u Tilt or Get Boosted and Enter the Site then Clear every corner & angle then reposition like a god Without Gamesense & The whole team supported u so fast & got some Ez kills?

    When Mvp or Have a Great Performance everytime that u can't believe u Whiff so badly 😏
    Spray Whiff : Ok…
    Sheriff Whiff : Brooo Whaaa… Bro my crosshair was literally at the head Broooo…
    Whiff when its an Ez Shot and its important : 0:39

  3. question: what do you think is the main reason you lost in masters this time ? what did you do wrong ? or is it just you were too confident from last tournament that you lack practice compare to other teams ?


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