Why You SUCK at Warding in League of Legends! – Vision Guide

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How to Ward Description: In today’s warding guide, we will teach you all of the common mistakes league of legends players make when it comes to controlling vision in League of Legends. Learn all the warding tips and tricks to increase your vision score dramatically instantly after watching this ward guide!

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Concepts: How to ward, how to control vision, best warding spots, vision control, vision guide, ward guide, league of legends ward guide


25 thoughts on “Why You SUCK at Warding in League of Legends! – Vision Guide”

  1. I have to admit, I rarely try to "deep ward" in any of those positions as a support because it feels like I'm just missing out on lane exp or tower plating. That's why I prefer to just plop shallow wards in jungle junctions (or mid lane).

  2. I agree that just because the enemies are random in low elo is not an adequate argument against warding. I can also agree that it is good to know where to ward in low elo. Where I disagree is with buying control wards. Control wards are an item that is balanced on the assumption that it will be used as a tool to get vision for your team. The problem is that in low elo you cannot rely on your team to look at the map, let alone play around vision correctly. This means in low elo the control ward item has INCREDIBLY LOW gold efficiency more often than not. This is why I would recommend staying away or perhaps just being more conservative with control wards until you reach diamond or at least plat.

  3. Skilcapped : You can preditct the unpredictable by warding red and proper positioning. Enemy jungle can start from his blueside or his raptors.
    My low elo enemy jungler : Takes krugs and ganks toplane. at 2:00

  4. It would be good if you create separate videos for different elo. Silver players differs greatly from plat and even gold players. Most of your videos assumes that your teammates play on same level as you, which is not true in 90% of iron/bronze/silver/gold elo. Most of your advises are not usable in lower elo.

  5. Not really a warding, but an early game thing: I alway have to laugh, when my ADC writes "are you even paying attention" or Questionmark Pings, when I Autoattack the Buff and use a spell to waste Mana, while my Jungler starts Topside. Just not letting your enemy know, where you're Jungler starts, can be so powerful, yet my ADC often times just rushes to lane and insta pushes… giving away the information, that our jungler started topside for free…


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