Why You're HARDSTUCK (The TRUTH) – League of Legends

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30 thoughts on “Why You're HARDSTUCK (The TRUTH) – League of Legends”

  1. Great Advice, definitely see the benefits of each play your breakdown and how you do it, but I have to admit, this is a reflection of all lanes being relatively even, and how you as the jungler influence it. You don't need to be a challenger smurf to get the advantage here, as long as you play better than Zed. The real issue us hardstucks have, is when all lanes are behind before you even finish your first 3 camps, how do you play to comeback into the game would be more helpful. Most often for me, is top lane is dead to a level 2 fight, sometimes again as soon as they reach back into lane, often with TP. And bot lane is often either dead or chunked out by a forced fight and ungankable for the reasons you've put up there. (Depending on match ups, I find ganks mid steal flash but rarely get more than that, and lead to my laner having the advantage, but now pushing and trying to dive, so they end up dying and throwing the small lead anyway). This across the map scenario is so common it happened in 7/10 games while I was streaming, and maintained that ratio across most of my games for the reason, and often it feels like luck when the enemy throws and you make a comeback, but it would be nice to see a video on how higher elo players would deal with these scenarios.

    BTW, I'm not saying I'm so good and my teams suck, only that those early game risks you talk about, are often taken by your team as much as theirs, it just so happens that for some reason, I tend to have 2 losing lanes within first 5 minutes of game, putting more pressure on me to somehow re-balance this. (My theory is, if the match making is "balanced" if you're not the one messing up, you'll likely have one lane that is doing well, and two doing badly, and the game is often decided by how the better lane and you influence the losing ones. But when the enemy is getting 2-3 kills for every 1 kill or assist you get, there must be strategies to offset this).

    Personally, I often rely on counter jungling to offset the enemy jungler as I tend to be good at reading their pathing and points of vulnerability. I also try to assess which allies "made a mistake" versus which are "bad" by trying to look at their trades, warding, and even where they position in first 2 minutes of game, those that cover vs those that hide at tower until wave arrives. They say never gank a losing lane, but if all lanes are losing, you need to make a choice right? Or like I described above, maybe one lane is doing ok, but you'll need to get another into a healthy spot or it'll be a 2v5 game which rarely goes well. So videos advising on these situations would be great 🙂

  2. Its because of my teammates trolling, stop telling me otherwise. You just want to implant this ideas in my head to gain access to my credit card. You guys are not fooling me! You guys are probably paying a lot of trolls in low ello across all regions to keep people stuck there.

  3. only one mistake ( the one when we have to gank top or bot ) i wanted to be extra greedy on feeding top and make the enemy top either rage quit or try a diffrent lane and open top for a fed darius however bot is equal so there is no need to risk loosing a fight with the junglers help

  4. Not to be mean here but your team would have won the game with you afk farming. Well you kinda
    did afk farm.
    A) Top lane was stomping already in a 1v1 matchup.
    B) Mid lane malphite had a horrible matchup but didint feed and followed roams.
    C) Your bot lane was winning hard 2v3 even with Zed c2mping them.

    Conclusion: A pretty poor clip to pick in orter to show how you can carry your team.
    Pick a clip when your 3 lanes are running it down and try explaining it then

  5. Well I appreciate the intent of this video, but there are glaring issues with the implementation of this strategy. First of all you're asking people to make judgment calls involving very specific characters who do not usually play those lanes. Secondly, you ask questions but do not give all of the information that is provided in your answers. Nobody can make a very informed decision if they cannot see everything that you are seeing. Thirdly, you put graphics over the screen, obscuring data that WAS available.

  6. Slow and steady wins the race when it comes to jungling. Sure there are gonna be times that your botlane dies twice in 5 minutes, but playing consistently means you'll be able to easily have a 65% winrate

  7. i admire everyone that is able to climb in league of legends, in the past i have played a lot of tournaments in osu and managed to get predator in apex legends, but i simply can't do league. I cannot handle the immense frustration that comes with having to deal with the brainlets we all call teammates. By no means am i an amazing player that carries every game, but i think my previous achievements show that i am willing to learn, adapt and admit mistakes in order to improve, but when it comes to league, i simply can't handle it. I go to bed after playing 3 games of league and i feel genuinely exhausted and angry.

  8. Another video to show why these videos are so trash for people actually trying to get better. Even though it sounds ok. Now I can tell I would of never hit master if I was watching this sht kekw

  9. Guys I'll tell you the truth, if you can't climb is because you are a fucking dog and you can't improve regardless of how many videos of this tipe you watch. There is nothing to do about this, there is nothing to be ashemed of. Play league because you have fun playing not because of climbing, because this game is a shit and this will never change.


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