WIN EVERY PLACEMENT: Tricks To DOMINATE Your Placement Matches – League of Legends Season 11

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50 thoughts on “WIN EVERY PLACEMENT: Tricks To DOMINATE Your Placement Matches – League of Legends Season 11”

  1. I won half of my matches. The last 5 matches, I had no jungler and bot lane. Then the last one was the worse one, literally no one in the match knew how to play their roles. So disgusting to play…

  2. QOTD: New item shop is great. As a relatively new player it's easy to navigate and the recommended items really helped me a lot in my first few days while learning the game. Really love it!

  3. Wait, if you Dodge in placemats isn't that counting as a loss? And why doesn't enyone put Shen in lvl 1 invade strong champs, he is one of the strongest lvl 1 champs and can CC enemies.

  4. The actual best strat to win games, is to be a disgusting onetrick (an assassin or bruiser preferably) and automatically go 15/0 everygame coz u know every single matchup. Being a first time malphite top isnt gonna give u free lp just coz the champ is broken atm

  5. bro… i went fucking 1/9 with 4 games of dcs and the rest with like braind dead bot lainers. MY tops GODS acutlly can play around the map. My mid ACTILLY A PERSON WHO CAN FARM. MY BOT FUCKING INFINTS WITH PARKINSONS

  6. Had 8 games in a row where someone was 1 kill behind in their lane and literally said “fuck this” and started afk farming jung or trolling bot even though we were winning. I started to think riot was trolling me. What are the odds of this two seasons in a row??

  7. first game as supp. we took first blood. then mid ryze kept solo dying to syndra. yet jax jg doesnt help bot and kept going to mid and dying to the already fed syndra while bot got camped by enemy jg and lost the lead. then our mid n jg just gave up n stayed in the fountain arguing n tilting our top as well while me n my adc shut down the syndra twice. these two were still done and refused to play. so we lost the game with me n my adc trying to clear super minions and 3 others players sitting in fountain pinging us not to :/

  8. TAKING A BREAK IS A BIG ONE !!! I knew I was tired and tilted, but I wanted at least 1 W before going to sleep. I eventually did, after losing like 12 ranked games.
    Even knowing this, there's always a chance I end up doing it again…hahah.


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