Xbox profits? | the medium at 900p? | ps+ games domination

#xboxseriesx #themedium #psplus
too much news to type in description


27 thoughts on “Xbox profits? | the medium at 900p? | ps+ games domination”

  1. I'm surprised you never mention how Sony never outright bought out Kojima or Capcom(When Capcom said last gen they had no clue if there would be an SFV) when they were doing bad but instead helped them get back on their feet.

  2. I don't know how real gamers can support this cloud gamespass nonsense dwyd thrash 👌 you saw the push with Xbox live wouldn't surprise me if we see it gone all in on Gamespass is plan.

    these tracks fire 🔥

  3. For real, the new God of War game is a total reboot, is just another type of game with a guy that looks like Kratos, i like the game, and i think it looks great but come on… the old games are far superior, all the 4 main games and the 2 games on the psp are far beter and more fun videogames as videogames, still holds up very well and plus Kratos gets more pussy from hot ass bitches like a champ., it´s been said that Cory Barlog won´t be directing the next God of War game, that´s not new in Santa Monica´s history, actually Barlog is the only director that made 2 God of War games, usually there is one director for each game, fingers cross the game is better than the first one in the "reboot" series, lets hope the best…

  4. The only reason Xbox bring up this BS 18mill subs is to make gamers think they are healthy! These 18mill, I would bet they ain't consistently paying monthly for that trash service! But uncle Phillip wants us thinking they are! The problem with Xbox and Phil is they think all gamers are as dumb as the fanboys that champion their shit box. Hey Phil, your service is trash, and it gets trasher by the day! U can keep pulling the wool over your few subs eyes but most gamers see straight through your BS and your console ain't selling shit! GP is trash end of!

  5. Why The Midium is performing so bad. Is because they can’t use global illumination. Because global illumination would break the illusion of the two game worlds be two separate representations of two different worlds. So, instead of them use global illumination, they over use local light sources in the same world, to illuminate the two faked game worlds in the same world. They literally over use local light sources in splitscreen feature, which have already been done since N64. But just by them over use static local light sources, the game literally performs terrible. Thanks to over 100 light sources are used. Just simple logic. Because, if they really would render two worlds in the same time. They would had their own seminar at GDC, explaining it.

  6. To point out. There haven’t been any true games, since Mario and Tetris. Like, what can really be called a game ?!? Well, its games that actually has scores displayed on the screen. Gears5, The Midium, Halo Infinite, Assassins Creed, Tomb Raider, Uncharted, Red Dead Redemption 2, Witcher 3, The Last of Us Part 2, The Falconeer, etc, etc… Can all be called, as to be walking simulators or modern games or as its called today… As being, ”Interactive Entertainment”… So all these fucking Xbot’s can just shut the fuck up, about walking simulators. If you really are about games, with actual scores displayed on the screen. Go fucking play Mario of Tetris Effect. Xbot’s still believe games are games, when those actually are Interactive Entertainment.

  7. Fortunately, XboxAddict (95), SomosXbox (93), Generación Xbox (91), TheXboxHub (90), Xbox Tavern (85) and Xbox Achievements (80) are there to SAVE the 72 average of The Medium (series x version aka 900P @ 30fps) on METACRITIC …: D

  8. **Disclaimer** not actually watched this yet. However, this game runs like shit on everything including a 3080 RTX. It would also run like shit on a PS5. Let's not get crazy. (I have all platforms so not a fanboy).


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