Xbox Series X Giveaway!

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Giving away an Xbox Series X + 1 year game pass ultimate codes! Enter here: Subscribe for more …


34 thoughts on “Xbox Series X Giveaway!”

  1. I hope I win the Xbox series x because my old Xbox one broke and i haven’t been able to find an Xbox because they are all out of stock. Goodluck to everyone that entered and thank you for doing this it’s really sweet of you 💕

  2. This year we all have been through a lot. I’ve lost an uncle in Mexico in early April due to COVID. Just like many I got sick from COVID in July. It’s been 5 months and I suffer from effects of COVID. I’ve been in and out of the hospital and I lost 70lbs since then. My wife and kiddos have been tough but they see me sick and it is affecting them. My oldest is 7 and he loves playing videos games. He would love a new Xbox at this moment since I’m not around to be with him. I’ve been sent to specialist to get help and at this moment their isn’t much they can tell me. COVID is real and I don’t wish anyone to get this virus. People be safe wear a mask to protect yourselves and your loved ones. Jenna you and Justine are amazing people and I love watching all of the content you both produce. Keep up the hard work and keep safe. Oh and I love the mug and stickers form your podcast so I bought myself some. Thanks

  3. Always been here since day 1. I want an Xbox because I’ve never had one and I’ve always needed something’s for school so I never got one. So I hope I win. And Goodluck to everyone

  4. Hi Jenna I love your videos!! I want to win this Xbox because this year has been horrible. I would like to win it because this would really make my year a little bit better. This year I lost my dad, sister, and my stepmom on January first and along with my house. I know this sounds horrible and unbelievable, but it happened and i’m still here and I know my family is watching over me and that they love me. It would mean a lot to win this Xbox because I like Xboxes and I would love to surprise my family with one since we had lost an Xbox in that fire and since i’ve never won any of these before. Not sure if you’ll actually read this, but thank you for reading if you do. Love you Jenna!!! ❤️💙🖤

  5. This Xbox would mean a lot to me because I would give it to my cousin as a (late) Christmas gift. A couple of years ago, he had health complications. Following surgery, he’s become a lot shyer and doesn’t really like to go out of the house anymore. In his difficult circumstances, video games have been his escape and comfort. He’s gotten pretty good at it and has just started streaming. He has a long way to go, and I would love to be able to support him in this endeavor and give him a little push by gifting him this next-gen console. I think that would brighten up his spirits a lot and give him extra motivation to keep going with streaming or maybe even pivot to esports. Merry Christmas and happy new year to you Jenna and to everyone else reading this!

  6. Entered! Thank you Jenna. If I win this I would have a great time connecting with my childhood friends and family since this year is been tough living and working in a different city 🎄


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