XIAO BEST BUILD + Best Team Comps – COMPLETE GUIDE – Patch 1.3 | Genshin Impact

Hey everyone, this will be an in depth guide on what I think are Xiao’s best builds and best team comps for him coming in Patch 1.3! I will also discuss the most efficient ways to level up his talents, as well as the best weapons and best artifacts for Xiao. This video took a really long time to gather up all the info for and edit so I hope you guys enjoy :). We’re on the way to 1K SUBSCRIBERS slowly but surely and the growth has been amazing! Thanks again for all the support.

0:00-0:38 Intro
0:39-6:16 Best Teams for Xiao
6:17-6:52 Talents – Which Talents to Level Up First
6:53-8:53 Best Weapons for Xiao
8:54-12:30 Best Artifact Sets for Xiao
12:31-13:29 Summary
13:30-13:49 Outro


#Xiao #GenshinImpact


44 thoughts on “XIAO BEST BUILD + Best Team Comps – COMPLETE GUIDE – Patch 1.3 | Genshin Impact”

  1. I’m kinda prepping him for a second team, I might use Xiao, Jean, Mona, and C4 Fischl? I’m thinking about it. Because my main team is Tartaglia, Barbara, Xiangling, and Sucrose. The only 4* I don’t own is Bennett ;w;. I could also do C2 Beidou instead of Fischl am still thinking about it.

  2. God I`m so conflicted how to build his team. I am mainly a geo user and want to incorporate them as well, making a possible team Xiao, Jean, Zhongli and Albedo. But i dunno if thats a good composition. The best combo would probably be xiao, jean, xingqui and chongyun… but i really dont know

  3. xingqiu: shing – chou
    xiao: shh-Ow (one syllable, but it is not pronounced like the english word "show")
    xiangling: shang-ling, like "ahng" type sound
    you did well with trying to pronounce the names right so please dont think this is a mean comment, its just important that chinese names be pronounced well because many asian names are butchered so frequently and it is kind of cruel. lyrratic has a great video titled "Liyue pronunciation guide" and i refer back to it frequently. together we can respect chinese names by practicing our best ^^

    also im so thankful for this video because im really prepared in terms of character ascension mats and weapons, but ive been putting off team building and artifact farming because im truly just not sure how to build xiao and the team well to support him since he has a pretty unique kit. i was wondering, whats the best way to build a battery? i have sucrose and have been looking for a reason to build her, but im not great at understanding how energy recharge works.

  4. Just a suggestion: Level up your Ultimate to level 7 at least, before going for level 7 basic attacks.
    His HP drain on his ultimate is 3.0% at level 1, 2.5% at level 4 and 2.0% at level 7
    The duration of his ultimate is 15 seconds, therefore at level 6 you will lose 37.5% of HP on his ultimate, on level 7 you will lose 30%.

  5. I prefer 4 glad set because as you can see in the description of his ulti, he will convert his damage type which is all his physical and attack damage will be anemo damage… Meaning 4 gladiator(+35%) > 2 viridescent(+15%)… Correct if I'm wrong….

  6. im hitting pitypull real soon and i really hope to get Xiao. Also this man says a 13 min vid is long… 13 min is only long if u spit irrelevant stuff half of the time which you didnt do 🙂

  7. Does Xiao, Qiqi, Razor and Sucrose sound like a smart choice? My current team is Xianling, Qiqi, Razor and Sucrose.

    -Razor has been my main dps till now and he brings the superconduct reaction to the table which also reduces the physical dmg resistance. This could be great because I’m relying on physical dmg for Xiao. My only worry is they both are solo characters, their elemental bursts don’t stay after switching characters.

    -Qiqi is a fixed meme we nonetheless

    Sucrose- Her elemental mastery buffs might be great for xiao and the the double anemo bonus will defo be helpful, she’s a great support for him and I don’t feel Xiao will be much of a swirl based character so I’ll use my 4 piece Veridiscent Ven Sucrose with a rank 3 widsith.

    Another alternative is xianling because of her E and Q being abilities that last for a long time and Pyro dmg is always great.

    I’m rlly confused I’d love some feedback lol

  8. Okay so I have diluc and Hes my main dps but I got Xiao and idk if Xiao is good as a support for diluc. So I don’t know if diluc should be my sub dps and Xiao my main dps or vice Versa o-o

  9. Brooo I literally skipped the Blackcliff Polearm for last month I think and I'm so tempted to give Xiao the Royal. But everyone says that it's not so great, and I kind of need CRIT Rate for Xiao…

  10. Now this is a great guide. I also run MGN TV, and I'd like to publish your video and guides on our website. We publish and promote a lot of guide writers, and yours is one of the best I've seen for Genshin Impact 🙂 Let me know if interested.


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