Xiao is a Ridiculous Amount of FUN! | First Impression: New Favorite Character!? Genshin Impact

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26 thoughts on “Xiao is a Ridiculous Amount of FUN! | First Impression: New Favorite Character!? Genshin Impact”

  1. Idk why yall surprised every single genshin youtuber is going to say a previous dps is trash just because a new on released. When ganyu came out they said childe was trash, when childe released that klee was trash and when klee released diluc was trash. Thats just how it goes. If hu tao is a dps they are all going to say that xiao is trash just because she came out. Thats how it is. Dont listen to genshin youtubers. Just use who you want. Genshin youtubers gonna hate

  2. "x character is more fun than x character" – basically in every new banner ever. Genshin is starting to get stale with this gotta catch em all characters, i bet in the future "Hu Tao is more fun and deals 30k dmg!!!! or smth" zzzzzz.

  3. He looks soooo fun. Sad I don’t have primos left… I even pulled his lance on the standard banner. But no Xiao for me, I hope I can get enough primos before the Keqing banner


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