Yanfei becomes the LAW (Genshin Impact)

before entering the serenitea pot realm, we met yanfei, an adeptus that’s also a lawyer in genshin impact’s 1.5 update

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24 thoughts on “Yanfei becomes the LAW (Genshin Impact)”

  1. yes this video is extremely long i know trust me, i didn't expect yanfei's legal consultancy adventure to be this long either lol

    zhongli's story quest coming next and of course the serenitea pot stuff as well

  2. Yanfei just came out and she already got more screen time then Qiqi, Keqing, Xinyan, and Beidou
    Who are still waiting very patiently for there story quests-

  3. My wife is from China and she told me that many Chinese families try to have one doctor and one lawyer in the family at all times. Now I'm imagining what it would be like to be related to Baizhu and Yanfei.


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