Yankees vs. Indians Game Highlights (4/22/21) | MLB Highlights

Yankees vs. Indians full game highlights from 4/22/21

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46 thoughts on “Yankees vs. Indians Game Highlights (4/22/21) | MLB Highlights”

  1. @chris taylor its a japanese skin lightening lotion. It says in the article the african american celebrities in hollywood use it because it actually changes the color of their skin from dark skin to light skinned mixed race, although they deny it https://matsuiskinlightening.com/products/bleaching-skin-lightening-orange-peeling-lotion-100-ml-top-selling-product they probably deny using this lotion because they just want everybody to think they are naturally light skinned and not bleaching their skin lighter,they should just be honest.

  2. Since higgy is such a superior defensive catcher if he keeps hitting like this we should seriously consider getting rid of Gary …he's not gonna get better defensively and his offense is non existent outside of an occasional home run…

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  4. Torres and Sanchez do not run it out as usual and gaining weight
    It happens way too often
    It might be Boone's lack of discipline approach


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