LEAVE A “LIKE” IF YOU ENJOYED THE VID!! New Champion Zeri, a marksman, revealed in League of Legends!!
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  1. Ok……is it just me or was there nothing about this champ that was even in the smallest way interesting?

    did I miss something? look like a bunch of reused ability's and over all pretty generic. I wanna say that lack luster "explosion" that she cast in the middle of the map was supposed to be her ultimate?? @1:59 not really sure what happen but I'm gonna guess and say it some sort of attacks/battle steroid (more or less a jinx passive as her ult) when she moves/shoots fast maybe hits harder ( to champion hit in the radius) but yeah no rally interested in this champ but I'm sure plenty of people will enjoy her off the strength she kinda looks like Billie Eilish just a little vibe of that.

  2. here's what I saw, Q is a skillshot like ezreal Q, W is an auto attack buff, turns her autos into the quick flurry like what ashe does, and her E is a short dash, similar to a yone 3rd Q without the damage, but if she collides with a wall or something she flips over it like talon does, and then her ultimate looks very similar to a vayne ultimate, just a standard self buff, maybe more on hit and more movespeed, im not sure what the big aoe at the beginning does, but it looks identical to blitzcrank ult, minus the silence as far as we saw. I'm assuming the shield she got was part of her passive, and also the movement speed she was getting while auto attacking.

  3. Q is an electric shillshot, she fires it at Jinx. W/E are the dash and wall hop. Shield seems to be a passive. Ult is Super Saiyan, every so many autos she attacks with her left hand and shoots electricity, her autos also seem to pierce similar to Swain Q, so maybe that's her passive.

  4. She is a mix of Ekko the same effect of his ult plus a buff for teammates & talon jump & jinx w and auto attack . And akshan passive and Lucian dash
    Q- Jinx W
    W- akshan auto passive gaining shield
    E- lucian dash for normal e and talon jump for charged e
    R- ememy around take damge as ekko r effects + teammates getting buff .

  5. Her Q is a lightning bold that does damage , E is the dash with shield , w is wall hop and ult is that massive aoe thingy . I think her range is increasing with auto attacks . Like jinx rockets. Part of her passive.

  6. So, she has jinx w as her q, w maybe just passives or power up button (shields when fighting as passive and extra attack speed or something for short duration when activated?) And about that wall jump: could it be (e) dash that you can charge to jump over walls? She did do some kind of warming up before jumping? that warm up would be good balance for such ability good ability that seemed to have quite low cd for basic dashes.

  7. Always amazed how Riot are not able to keep a secret when it comes to new champs. Well its good to know that sumbody from the inside is working on our behalf.

  8. The Q is basically a skill shot like jinx Zap but shorter you probably didn't notice it because she is using it between auto attacks thats why and she always land it so you probably think its auto attck its not

  9. I think her dash and her wall run are the same ability, cause she did her dash animation and collided with the wall and it triggered a new animation of her going over the wall. Looks like she has a skill shot ability. Her dash looks like it will be very important to playing her right though.

  10. To be Honest she looks like an extra from the arcane, then pulled from there and made into a champion
    (To add they released a new valorant hero with the same concept as her? why not name them the same thing, I like how she looks like though, maybe just put here in LoL as well) but over all we need champions with not much of a conflicting abilities ones in a while.

  11. So, here's my prediction:
    P = Gives bonus movespeed when attacking an enemy champion, 3 consecutive hits grants a shield
    Q = Shoots out a Lightning Bolt
    W = Emowers auto attacks for a duration (seems to extend a bit past enemies hit)
    E = Short dash (extends if it hits terrain)
    R = Bonus attackspeed/movespeed per enemy champion hit

  12. passive piercing aa after some stacks
    q- jinx w
    w-talon e
    e-the dash
    r-blitz r
    how interesting yet another reason to not play jhin as there are way too much hyper mobile champs lets gooooo


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