Zeri Rework 2022 – League of Legends

Zeri is getting a mini rework in League of Legends. Riot announced this morning that they are going to be changing EVERY one of her abilities…

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Thumbnail art by Vincent Tran!

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44 thoughts on “Zeri Rework 2022 – League of Legends”

  1. Even though I love playing Zeri to death, she is in no way as op as people think she is, any champ can run away with a game if they get fed, Zeri's initial problem is the early game, she's extremely squishy, she gets hard shut down if you don't play properly into high poke lanes, like any other adc, and again, like any other adc, if you can survive the early game, it gets easier

  2. just take out the sheen proc and she's fine. if her q is an auto attack it should be treated like one and not count as using an ability to proc sheen
    it just makes her too bursty like ezreal but with an even lower q cd

  3. Zeri should always run barrier to proc her pass, immortal shieldbow also gives a shield, gargoyle stoneplate gives a shield. Essence reaver and black cleaver synergize with her Q so well.

  4. "Oh no, we fucked up our item rework so hard that assassins are building bruiser and tank mythics, adcs are building mage and assassin mythics and tanks are building bruiser and mage mythics. Anyway, let's release a new champion whose off-build will actually turn out to be broken as all hell whereas she's trash if you build her "normal" items." – Someone at Riot, probably.

  5. Zeri right now is by far the strongest ADC if you look at her stats , she also has a 70% ban rate across all high ranks

    I know the crit build is bad and people say she has bruiser item synergy. The truth is she dosent use bruiser items that well but she really wants to be tankier.

    Her main weakness is getting oneshoted before she gets to stack up mov speed and also if she can live trough burst and then kite you she can turn the fight around

    Putting her damage on sheen procs is really good too since she only needs to hit one bullet to do the damage. So you can miss half of your bullets and still get decent damage off

    The best way to push her to ADC items is to make her scale hard with crit , but everytime Zeri finds a build that makes her tankier she will abuse it

    If you want to play her with crit SheildBow into Reaver is the best choice Kraken Slayer is beyond terrible

    The brusier build is Trinity into Runann after get Titanic Hydra OR Black Clever if you need armor pen cause you stack Clever REALLY fast and then complete Titanic after BC

  6. This dude has to be the biggest clickbaiter for league ever. This is balance changes that happen to most champs a patch or two after initial release.
    You also lied about the udyr vgu. Stop clickbaiting and making 30 second videos just so people click and you get a view. You say nothing more than what the patch said, at that point I'd just read the patch notes. Your videos are empty and serve no purpose as they are now. Stop clickbaiting people and giving out false information

  7. If they give to adcs crit scalings reducing the AD ones (keeping/buffing the overall dmg) they would build the crit items. Like ad assassins: with lethality scalings they would be forced to build them, instead of abusing the bruiser items.

  8. In my opinion the problem is:
    adc are supposed to position well and try not to get oneshot so that they can oneshot, while zeri has good resistances good healing and a dash that is constantly up and is litreally one of the best dashes in the game, so she can just jump in ulti do her shit, go out but zoom back in from the other side and poke you down like a street dog. Soo little counterplay to do and it is the first champion that actually bothers me in years. If you are not someone who can travell the map in a second – better luck next time.

  9. Only people who never actually played Zeri are saying she's OP. If they got fucked up hard against her, I don't think that's the champ issue lol
    Anyway, overall, I'd say she's okay right now, not great not bad, I honestly enjoy playing her alot less than I tought I would but we'll see how she ends up in a few months I guess

  10. Just nerf her attack range to 450 500 and nerf the stacks she can proc one autos/q nothing else has to happen, if the reason shes a pain in the ass is nobody can catch her because shes too quick or too far away this is the best thing to do.

  11. The problem isn't the champ. The problem is that bruiser items are dumb as hell and I don't understand how riot doesn't see it. Assassins have been building bruiser items for over a year now.

  12. what is the last champ that is this broken? Vex! what is the one before? akshan! how about another one before? gwen!umm no way viego was broken on his release right? oh he is? what a coincidence no way riot is making broken new champ so they can sell more champ and skin to make more money then nerf them to the ground


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